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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. You must have a continuing education requirement. We do. Unfortunately it’s been taken over by a bunch of ridiculous topics, instead of the critical ones that make our license required in the first place.
  2. Excellent! How often do you have to decertify?
  3. I would take it one step further. When Biden used the military guarded POTUS podium to give his Red Menace speech denouncing MAGA, he crossed the line of using the trappings of his publicly funded pulpit to attack a political rival (MAGA is a campaign slogan of a single opposition candidate). He should’ve been immediately denounced by everyone and yes, possibly impeached.
  4. Thanks Tibs! It rained all day here yesterday. What most people don’t realize is that Southern California gets literally ZERO rain at all for the months of July through October. So yesterday’s total was as much as we’d see in one of our wettest ‘winter’ months….all in one day. To those in WNY, you’d just call it a normal Tuesday. 😉
  5. The white hat will be worn by someone who puts an end to this ridiculously expensive border squabble. So far….the world is still waiting for that horse to ride in.
  6. What I find hilarious is how these morons scream ‘fascist’ when describing people who are speaking out AGAINST the government. You really cannot make this stuff up. We really need to fix the public education system!
  7. You said ‘they’ let him walk. I’m wondering who you think ‘they’ is/was?
  8. Let me guess…for the reaping and the sowing? 😂
  9. What reaping? What sowing? You sound a bit like a fortune cookie today.
  10. Maybe we’ll stick to Nandos. 😂 We love that chicken!
  11. As they were growing up, our kids thought that cats had a life expectancy of less than a year because that’s how long they usually lasted before the coyotes ate them. But the good part was they never got too attached, and would almost immediately ask “can we get another cat”?
  12. That’s super close to our hotel and right behind the street with all the foreign embassy houses/mansions. If you’ve never walked down the embassy street….it’s kind of cool. Pub appears to feature Thai food, go figure.
  13. And apparently we’ve discovered a brand new species: The Ferguson Hawk 😳
  14. Our family dog was eaten by a mountain lion in our front yard….does that count?
  15. My gosh. Don’t you people ever get tired of trashing each other? This place gets more and more immature by the day. I never thought I’d miss the highbrow posts of my friend BillStime.
  16. Wait…sure sounds like you’re an election denier.
  17. The OP could’ve thrown in telling his grandkids about living to see the start of the Bills dynasty, just to see if anyone noticed. But no, just more of the usual doom and gloom! 😉
  18. There’s nothing in that list about the Bills having won multiple Super Bowls. Hmmmm?
  19. People literally have no idea. If you could see what we deal with here in Southern California they’d be absolutely appalled and shocked. You have to see it in person. It’s honestly beyond disgusting.
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