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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. No I didn’t read the article. We were having a discussion about a topic. So you’re still thinking that people didn’t know who the 2016 candidates were? Now that’s…..LMAO 😂😂😂😂
  2. Oh come on! You're living in fantasyland if you're still buying into this Russia nonsense. Your average American already knew exactly who these two candidates were. Nobody had to tell them anything. In the end, it was a job interview, and while you may have inconveniently forgotten, Mrs Clinton was simply outworked in the run up to November. She got the opponent that she, and the DNC, wanted in Donald Trump, but it totally backfired on her. She thought she could coast to the finish line against this bombastic outsider, but the American people said "not so fast"! And just to show that I don't come up at this with Partisan Colored Glasses, the same thing happened to Trump four years later. He too got the exact opponent that he wanted. And he too clearly didn't read the room in 2020. He thought he could coast using the same bombastic strategy that worked in 2016. But it didn't work with a drama-weary public that was literally exhausted from Covid and the summer of rioting.
  3. We? Unfortunately, the United States probably can’t be all that involved in the negotiations. We’re definitely not a disinterested party.
  4. Yes…I see your point. But those are instances when surrender were the ‘terms’ of the negotiation. That’s not the point we’re at, and Russia isn’t going to cease to exist in this case. You have to negotiate terms.
  5. Ugh! There’s never been a negotiation in ANY disagreement that both sides didn’t want to win. That’s why it’s called negotiating!
  6. I know this because there were never two candidates better known to the American public than Trump and Clinton. She lost because her campaign’s ridiculous strategy backfired on her. It was a self inflicted wound. She didn’t need any help from Russia to muck it up. She mucked it up just fine all by herself.
  7. Thanks…but what doesn’t matter? As with all military conflicts since WW2 this has gone on long enough and needs to end. The cost inflicted in time, lives and treasure has long since passed the point of being utterly ridiculous. If this was a schoolyard brawl, the adults would’ve stepped in and separated the two kids long ago.
  8. There’s isn’t a single American that swung their vote because of anything that Russia did or didn’t do during the 2016 election. Not a single one! What’s it going to take for Democrats to get that through their heads?
  9. This winning and losing is a bunch of nonsense when you’re NEGOTIATING a cease fire. For a negotiation to work everyone has to be able save some face. The tricky part here is to come up with a solution that doesn’t feel like a total failure to one side or the other.
  10. And so the last piece of the dynasty has fallen into place! Sweet!
  11. Maybe….but the ‘as long as it takes’ strategy appears to be a total failure as well. Unless a WWI-like stalemate is the desired outcome.
  12. I’m not understanding. Surrender? I think Putin already knows this didn’t go as he’d planned. You don’t think so?
  13. Whatever happened to walking and chewing gum at the same time? You seem to suggest is that you’d only start negotiating once Russian forces are pushed backed to the border at the time this all started. If that’s the case, there’s no point in negotiating.
  14. But then they got bored and went home? Are you even listening to yourself? Here’s a hint….we ALL saw how the day ended.
  15. So….Joe’s son was making millions working on behalf of a foreign OIL company. And what did the family do with the money? They bought a BEACH HOUSE so they could be closer to the action when the seas started rising. Once again…you couldn’t sell this as a Monty Python skit.
  16. I haven’t watched the game….yet. And certainly haven’t read through all nine pages of commentary. But as far as I can tell the Two Takeaways would be: 1. Kyle Allen sucked, but now he doesn’t. 2. Matt Barkley didn’t suck, but now he does. These are preseason games. They rarely have any impact on how the teams look and perform when the lights go on.
  17. You literally have to be kidding! You believe law enforcement infiltrates criminal enterprises and then stands by while they attempt to ‘overthrow the government’? Now come on!
  18. So now nobody can respond to your posts? Here’s a hint. If you don’t want people to respond….stop posting. Done!
  19. No…I really don’t get the point. And apparently neither do you. Go back a re-read your post.
  20. Wait, what? That’s what you’ve got? Absolutely hilarious…even for you. This is no way to lose your Court Jester title.
  21. Let me see if I understand you here….you believe that Putin himself is responsible for working the keyboards during the ‘election tampering’ hoax? Now I think I’ve heard it all! 😂😂😂
  22. I’m sure this’ll go nowhere but I’m actually thrilled to see someone from the ‘minor’ leagues getting a shot.
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