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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Is it just me or is that a hammer and sickle being slipped into the ballot box? 😂
  2. So you agree! Congress writes the tax code. Glad we have that settled. Now…to the bigger question: Why does anyone care what anyone else pays in federal income tax? It has zero impact on your life. My tax rate is the highest in the nation and you don’t see me posting any of this pitchfork laced nonsense.
  3. Doc, The real question is if the Left is so sure that he can’t win then why are they trying so damn hard to make sure he can’t even run?
  4. There are no tax loopholes. What you mean are parts of the tax code that benefit other people than yourself. But be careful, because I’d imagine there are parts of the code that benefit you and not others.
  5. He’s my buddy too. We’re meeting up in London for a pint before the Bills game. But my comment still stands. Some of the formerly best people have completely lost their way.
  6. You’re wasting your time. BillSy has gotten so far off course he has no idea what he’s even promoting anymore. Trump completely broke him.
  7. He’s a cognitive mess. Everyone can see that.
  8. Me too! Good luck trying to figure it out. 😂
  9. And the Sahara desert was once home to planet’s largest inland sea.
  10. Every City is a sanctuary city until the illegal aliens show up.
  11. I’m still searching for a topic that you know anything about. I’m going to keep looking. I believe in you!
  12. Now what? Is it unusual for a tropical storm to come up the west coastline? Yes it is…..but it isn’t the first time. The last one was eighty years ago….long before global warming was even being discussed.
  13. Sorry to break it to you but Hilary was beyond terrible. As regards future elections, you may be right. Time will tell. The only constant is change.
  14. Yikes! Push your bed away from the wall and try getting up on the other side tomorrow morning. 😉
  15. A whopping 44 migrants? Yep that’ll fix the problem alright! Wait…I know of at least 81 million voters who’ll gladly take them in! 👍
  16. Ahhhh yes! Let’s bash Christians….that’s always acceptable hate speech.
  17. I have no idea what any of that means but it sounds fun! 😉
  18. Wait! What? You mean I actually don’t have to be a Bills fan? I was under the impression that it was mandatory. Go figure!
  19. Now THIS made me laugh! 😉 Well played.
  20. All of this is pure revisionist history. The DNC thought they had the magic formula. Keep rolling out candidates that could check the ‘first’ box and they’d have the White House wrapped up for decades. Unfortunately Clinton didn’t have a platform for anything other than she wanted to be the ‘first’ woman president. (Thus her campaign slogan…”I’m with her.”) The American people simply didn’t buy it. Period.
  21. Don’t buy into that crap. As I’ve said, there isn’t a single American that didn’t know who Trump or Clinton were before they entered the ballot box. The DNC machine and their accomplices in the media handpicked Trump (just like they kneecapped Bernie) so that Hilary could cakewalk into the White House. They got the opponent they’d hoped for. But the American people got in the way. Just because Russia ALSO couldn’t stand her, doesn’t mean their ‘interference’ had any impact.
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