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SoCal Deek

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Posts posted by SoCal Deek

  1. The concept of a surprise cut is clearly lost on many of you. There's no reason to respond with all the logical reasons why the player would NOT be cut! It's the lack of logic that makes it a surprise. Sheesh


    To my way of thinking a 'surprise' would have to come from any of the veteran starters still on the roster from last year.

  2. I'm actually most impressed with his 'brain work'. His interviews have been nothing short of astonishingly poised for a Guy of his young age and experience. I can't imagine how few interviews he would've given in college but he sure seems really comfortable when facing a face full of microphones. Here's hoping he plays even half as well as he answers questions!

  3. It's pretty simple really. The Bills thought they were really close to a solid playoff roster so they spent their funds to get up to the cap. I'm betting the same is/was true for the Chiefs.


    The Bills never got their before changing course and the Chiefs did get there but fell short of the Super Bowl.


    It's a vicious cycle.

  4. I would like a new stadium because traditions form? That means football is more important than the stadium. So tell me again why I would benefit from a new stadium?

    My response has NOTHING to do with any 'benefit' you would get from a new stadium. My point is that the stadium you are currently fond of hanging on to was at one time just hole in the ground, built on the cheap, in what was widely thought to be an architectural low point in arena/stadium venue design. I'm pretty sure you would come to grow fond of a new stadium over time as well. Notice that I did NOT use the word 'benefit' in this response either.

  5. I enjoy New Era Field, so yes it is a waste. I wouldn't enjoy a new stadium anymore. In fact probably less. Tailgating would be dead, and I wouldn't the actual game any more than I do now.

    With all due respect...you're sort of making the alternative point without even knowing it. "Rich Stadium" was not built to be a show piece. It was built in an era when 'good enough' was all that WNY could stomach after a scandal ridden attempt at a Dome failed. But fast forward 50 years and you now enjoy New Era Stadium as much for what HAPPENS there, then for the actual place itself. I think you'd get used to a new, more modern stadium, and over time it too would become a place where things happen, memories and new traditions are made.

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