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SoCal Deek

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Posts posted by SoCal Deek


    Brooklyn? That's possible, but do they have room to build another stadium? I don't think they'll be playing in NJ.


    Chicago? Don't see it.


    Sure, it's a construction project, and definitely tying the lease to any cash outlay is smart, but what happens when one doesn't fulfill their obligations on a municipal bond? That's my core issue here.


    And, as far as construction projects go, have you seen Niagara Falls lately? Turtle. Rainbow Mall. Abandoned. Winter garden? Water park? Eh. WNY has many of these ghosts scattered about, and many were joint funded back in the day. Rich Stadium turned out to be a boon, but it's the exception in an otherwise pretty lengthy list of failures in WNY. I am having a hard time believing that a partnership to build a >$500M (I'm estimating) stadium for a >$1B team is a good idea. The Bills should just downsize and play in a dome. The Turtle.

    I actually don't have a dog in the fight of whether the new facility is a new Stadium on a new site, or a significant addition to New Era Stadium. I just know that the option of doing nothing....is not an option. To 'play' in this league, the host City is going to have provide something. For example, in Los Angeles, they're not providing construction funds but instead, for now, they're providing access to 20 million people! Buffalo is going to have to provide land, construction or something else that an Owner wants.


    By the way, the examples you cite are all good ones. They may unfortunately be living examples of why Buffalo can no longer support an NFL Team.


    I'm sure they are not moving to annoy us. I just don't want their moves to fleece a bunch of taxpayers -- after they've procured funds through a public-private model, and not followed through with their end of the deal. Phoenix to me is a moot point now; they've been there how long? 30 years? 25? Las Vegas was inevitable.

    That's where you and I would differ. Nobody is getting 'fleeced' except for possibly when the City Fathers are complete nit-wits and don't have some decent minimum number of years built into the lease agreement. As I've said in other posts here, the Stadium is a construction project. Almost all of the money goes right back into the local construction market, just like a road or a school. The money doesn't go to the Owner and he can't take the building with him when/if he leaves. I'm old enough to remember the construction of Rich Stadium...which was considered a fortune back in the 70's. Now...the place has long since been paid for and there players on the Team who almost make more money EVERY SEASON than the $20m it cost to build.

  3. NeckBeard


    The NFL is simply following the population shift. It wasn't all that long ago that people would have thought it was crazy to have an NFL team in Las Vegas, or Phoenix. Or an NBA Team is OKC. Or an NHL Team in San Jose or Anaheim. The league, and the Owners are moving to be annoying! They are moving to follow the fan bases that want their product.

    It should have read....aren't moving to be annoying.

  4. People on here can't seem to understand how HUGE the Southern California market is. It was a no brainer for the Rams to move. The Owner owned the land where the stadium is being constructed. That fact alone made the math work.(By the way, land values in the LA area are NOTHING like the land values in WNY.)


    And according to Forbes, he has already doubled his money without even playing a down in the New Stadium yet! Not too shabby.

  5. You are a troll. Take this nonsense to PPP, if they will listen to it.

    No trolling here and none intended. A stadium is as much a process as a product. The City doesn't GIVE any money to the Owner. And if the deal is carefully crafted it can take much of the financing into account. As I said, does anyone look back at the $20 million spent to build Rich Stadium back in 1972 and say 'what a waste of money'. After 50 years the new Stadium will be a bargain, just like Rich Stadium is now.

  6. I assume that this is a joke so I will only say that the goal of getting people off of welfare should be to get them good jobs, not find any excuse possible to kick them off. And redistributing this money to billionaires for their personal profit is so undemocratic, mean spirited and devoid of morals that it is difficult to see how anyone could say it in seriousness.

    You clearly don't understand the use of the word 'redistributing'. A Stadium is a construction project...not a hand out. The labor and materials are all purchased from local, private companies. Those companies employ people and purchase products. None of that money goes to the Billionaire. And while yes, it probably increases the value of the Pegula's investment, the stadium itself stays in WNY if they ever sell the team.

    I assume that this is a joke so I will only say that the goal of getting people off of welfare should be to get them good jobs, not find any excuse possible to kick them off. And redistributing this money to billionaires for their personal profit is so undemocratic, mean spirited and devoid of morals that it is difficult to see how anyone could say it in seriousness.

    By the way, the "job training" that Liberals are always screaming for works just as well when those jobs are in the construction industry.

  7. A successful 2017 will be less about Wins and Losses and more about how the Team looks. I don't think anyone thought Rex had the Team's act together. They were a mess on the field. This season will be judged on whether:


    1. They have the right number of players on the field for each play

    2. Jerry Hughes can STOP jumping off-sides...and pay some price when he does

    3. The defense can stop running around pre-snap, as if they have no clue where they're supposed to be

    4. Players actually tackle, in lieu of trying to protect themselves so they can leave next off-season

    5. The Coach will only challenge calls that have a chance of being over-turned

    6. Stop taking time outs because the QB doesn't seem to know the play call

    7. Stop beating themselves with horrific game management decisions

    8. Add your measuring sticks here....


    Go Bills

  8. So take money from people on welfare and give it to billionaire owners who peddle entertainment? Awesome.

    They are not taking from people on welfare and 'giving' it to a billionaire! First of all the goal should be to have LESS people on welfare. One way to start is with a large construction project that would actually employ some of those people. Second the billionaire doesn't get to take the stadium with him when he leaves! It's a building. It stays in the City where it is built. And, if you hadn't noticed Ralph Wilson didn't get to take the Stadium anywhere....he's DEAD!


    Finally, the current stadium, that everyone is so romantic about, cost $21 million when it was built. Looking back, that sounds like a great investment to me! As will the new Stadium be 40 years from now.

  9. That's wild that the US is 75 times the size of England, but Premier League soccer still makes $5 billion a year.

    I agree but it's just as wild to see how much the US invests in sports teams from all four major leagues. Is all this valuation really warranted? Makes me wonder how this became such a cultural necessity. (And I'm a huge sports fan.)

  10. The wife was out of town last night so in flipping thru the DVR I remembered that I'd recorded almost every Bills game from last season. I started watching the last Miami game. I remembered that we were still In The Hunt at that time so watching it with a fresh set of eyes I can away with these observations that relate to my metric for a successful 2017:


    1. The Defense was HORRIBLE (a new coach has to help)

    2. Carpenter was HORRIBLE (we fixed it)

    3. The Offense was actually clicking but Woods was none existent (hoping Zay fits right in)

    4. The Refs were HORRIBLE (I cannot see much changing there)


    In the end, it's anyone's guess but nobody could be happier than me that Rex and his brother are long gone.


    Go Bills

  11. I just flew into LAX last week and was amazed at how little has been done. You can see a double row of concrete columns that definitely form the classic oval shape of the lower bowl but that's about it. They have a long long long way to go!


    I was also amazed that the darn thing was right under the plane! It's going to be interesting during games since planes land at LAX probably every five minutes or so.

  12. Ted Turner had the idea about a 24 hour news network and was panned viciously in some cases...


    In the same ilk, 30 years ago, who thought Sports Talk radio, basically a call in show built around barroom and water cooler talk would take off.....and these two were the pioneers.

    Ted Turner would die if he saw the dung pile that CNN has turned into today. They're now one small step away from being "mad as hell and not going to take this anymore"!

  13. The kid hasn't even played a down yet and already he's got more faults and shortcomings than you can imagine! Really? The kid was a consensus top pick from frickin Alabama! He's played against the best that College had to offer. Can we please give him a chance before we convince ourselves that he needs to thrown on the ever growing pile known as the Buffalo Bills scrap heap?

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