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SoCal Deek

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Posts posted by SoCal Deek

  1. I still remember watching Burfict play for ASU against USC some years ago. At the time he was a virtual unknown, but he stood out on the telecast as being a totally CRAZY person running around hitting people at will. I recall thinking at the time "Did they just let a convict, or mental patient, on the field?" I'm not sure that he's a bad person....but I am totally sure that he is completely out of his mind when he steps on the field. Someone has to sit him down before he kills someone. And I guess the League just did!

  2. I just got a chance to watch Dareus's press conference this evening.


    WHAT A CLOWN! This 'kid' needs to grow up and fast....before he finds himself being the next has-been tragedy in a back page newspaper story somewhere. He seems to be laughing his way through each new epic personal failure. I simply cannot fathom how ANY Front Office could see anything but loser in this kid. It's really a shame.

  3. When almost 10% of your cap is tied up in a DT who can't be bothered to show up to the stadium for the game on time... You should probably look at rebuilding.


    Another 7.5% is tied up in a LT who has a chronic foot problem. Another 5% tied up in a TE who has a chronic knee issue.


    22% of the cap is tied up in those 3 players who all have their problems. This is a flawed roster build, and the only way to fix it is in the draft.

    Sounds like the perfect time to bring in Kaepernick and fill out the last remaining spot on The Island of Misfit Toys!

  4. Boldin retiring is a HUGE embarrassment for the front office. There is no there way to spin it. He was brought in to soften the blow from trading Sammy and to provide much needed leadership in the locker room. Now what? He quit on the team before even playing one snap at home...and the locker room is going to be a wreck now. Good luck spinning this to the remaining players. WHAT A MESS

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