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SoCal Deek

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Posts posted by SoCal Deek

  1. So 2-3 then? ;)

    I apologize...Miami and Tampa are both 2-2 due to the hurricane.

    This loss needs to be kept in perspective. It was fugly, but the Bengals are pretty good and this was our second tough road game in two weeks. More importantly, we've got a pretty soft slate of games coming up after the bye (three of the next four at home), and should go into KC on Thanksgiving weekend no worse than 7-3.

    See my quote above. Come on Bills, trust the process and string something together! Three of the next four are at Home for heaven's sake.

  2. Bang....I have to agree, but I've always said it's interesting to see how a season plays out. Three of the next four are Home games, and the over the next SIX the two road games are at the Jets and the Chargers. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while. If the Bills can win those home games.......and beat the Jets....they'll be heading into Kansas City for what could be a big time national TV debut.

  3. Going into the 2017 Season so many on The Stadium Wall looked at the Bills schedule and assumed the team was doomed. Myself included.


    As we head into the Bye Week the remaining schedule (at least on paper) looks much different. Only FOUR of the ELEVEN remaining games are against teams with a winning record and that includes at the Jets, at Kansas City, home and away with New England. The other SEVEN opponents are either 2-3 or 2-3 at this point.


    Six Home games and five Road games left.


    Go Bills! (Please)


    The biggest issue against the run last week was the speed of ATL on the edges. Our D line made enough holes but our LB's couldnt cover them well enough. Cincys O line is not very strong so we should get an even better push and if our D line can make a few plays before the LOS then it should be a really good day.

    I couldn't agree more. All throughout last Sunday's game I kep screaming 'Where are our Linebackers!'?

  5. This is nonsense. I have seen humans perform in the most demanding and in the harshest environments under extreme stress thousands if miles away from there family.

    There is literally nothing holding him back but himself. Himan will is an amazing thing.

    Thank you! Nobody's saying that Dareus should be taken out and beaten. He can wallow in a lack of self motivation till the proverbial cows come home. Everyone has stuff that has, or is, happening to them...EVERYONE. I'll compare my list to of stuff with anyone's. What defines people is not what happens TO them but what they DO about it. Sadly this has been lost in modern day America.


    Marcel....get up off the sofa!

  6. Sunday at 1:00 is when the excitement for the football weekend peaks.


    Still remember sweating out the car ride home from church and rush to change out of my good clothes in time to catch the last bit of The NFL Today before 1:00 kickoff.

    OMG....I think you're me! That's EXACTLY my memory from growing up in Tonawanda. (Thanks for bringing me back to sitting and watching Frank Gifford and the NFL Today in black and white. Then listening to the Bills game on my transistor radio or trying to spin the rooftop antenna to see if we could get the home game from Rochester or some far off fuzzy station somewhere.)

  7. Your lack of knowledge...of history, of political thought, of philosophy, of the Constitution and god knows what else, is summed up in your casual and flippant remark. If you had spent a fraction of the time doing actual study that you appear to spend on AM radio and dubious "news" channels, you might have learned that the very existence of the United States is a freakin' LIBERAL success story, that the nation was founded in opposition to European (specifically English) CONSERVATISM, where there was no freedom of expression, no freedom to bear arms, no freedom of the press, no freedom from the whims of a monarch and his royal bitches, no freedom of religion, little to no freedom to change the state one was born into, on and on. And it is people like you, with your sneering dismissal of the entire real history of this nation with that "lib playbook" sneer that are quickly assisting in turning the nation into precisely the sort of CONSERVATIVE hellhole that Europe was for millenia prior to the Enlightenment and the founding of the United States. And brother, I guarantee you this much, those Founders would NOT have stood to "honor" the freaking Union Jack.


    Apparently you don't love this country for what it really is, so, as I'm sure you have at least thought to say to others, might I invite you to "Love it or leave it"?

    That's kind of the basic position of autocrats, totalitarians and fascists. And, yes, before anyone brings it up, you can find those sorts on the left right or middle.

    HAHAHAHAHAHA! Put down the MSNBC and step away from the keyboard.

  8. LOL at pulling out the manual like the NFL is some bastion of patriotism...players are only out there for the Anthem in the first place because the Defense Department paid the NFL millions to have them on the field for recruitment purposes into the Armed Services.

    This is simply not true! The National Anthem has been played prior to sporting events for many decades (most of which was before television!). It has NOTHING AT ALL to do with the Defense Department recruitment policies. Sheeesh

  9. Let me see if I can simplify this.


    You should choose the target of your protest carefully. Protesting the National Anthem gives your audience the impression that you don't approve of the Country as a whole!


    If you don't like your employer, you go on strike. If you don't like a restaurant you complain to the Manager. If you feel a company has done you wrong you might picket in front of their headquarters.


    It makes ZERO sense to make the National Anthem the target of your protest....thus the confusion in both the message AND the response to it.


    Kapearnick is an idiot.

  10. To have a full picture of who won the trade, I agree.


    But when you lose a game because you score 3 points and have to go to a rookie wr for a crucial catch, then it's ok to wonder if Sammy makes a difference.


    We have a high school passing attack.

    What? They didn't have to go to a rookie. Jordan Matthews is their Number One wideout. And for the record... when they had to go to Sammy they generally needed to go find him in the Trainers Room.

  11. Coming into town for the game with my buddy. I haven't been back home in years. We are staying downtown and I've heard downtown has changed quite a bit.


    I was wondering if I could ask for help for any good bar spots with atmosphere and grub? Also good restaurants. We are mid 30s in age.


    I'm not looking for anchor bar tourist type joints if you know what I mean. Authentic spots. Appreciate feedback.

    If you have been back in years, I cannot imagine that you wouldn't want to hit some of the more famous places. Ted's, Duff's, etc.

    WNY natives might suggest other places, and for good reason, but when you return home to wherever you know hail from, they are ALL going to ask if you visited those 'famous' spots....and you're going to say "No I went to some little known bar because a guy on the internet said it was better?" Really?

  12. Buy: The Bills secondary....especially the Safeties, but impressed with the Corner play as well.


    Sell: Marcell Dareus...nothing more needs to be said. The Team loses nothing with him holding down one end of the bench. However, I recommend he sit in the middle so that it doesn't tip over.


    Hold: The Offensive Line as a unit. We're about to find out on Sunday whether Week 1 or Week 2 was the true Offensive Line.

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