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SoCal Deek

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Posts posted by SoCal Deek

  1. When I was a kid, my brother and I would always get a football board game for Christmas (pre-video game kids!).  And there was ALWAYS a glitch in the 'programming' of every game.  It took a while but you could always find the one play that you could run over and over and the defense just couldn't ever stop it.  Once you found that play, the board game was pretty much ruined!   That's what I was thinking while watching the Saints run the ball straight up the middle for 12 consecutive plays!  What a mess!

  2. It really isn't all that complicated.  There are few fans in LA that can remember when the Rams were here before, and virtually none that remember the 1960 Chargers.  Los Angeles got two teams clear out of the blue, and they both just sort of ended up here.  It wasn't like there was a big fan-based push to get EITHER of these Teams.  It'll therefore take some time before the fans return to the stadium in large numbers.  The LA fans were burned twice when the Raiders and Rams left before.  I don't blame them for being a bit gun-shy!

  3. 4 hours ago, JÂy RÛßeÒ said:

    Things I've personally been involved in:

    • First game in November 1970 at the Rockpile
    • Being on the Buffalo News "picture page" in my Bills uniform 1970
    • Being at the first game at Rich Stadium
    • Waiting in line for hours to meet OJ at a Radio Shack in 1973
    • Come-back win over the Raiders on MNF - 1974
    • Jim Kelly's first game in 1986
    • First away game - Bills/Browns Playoff game 1990 (birth of the K-Gun)
    • Win over Miami to clinch division 1990
    • Playoff win over Miami 1990
    • 51-3
    • Super Bowl XXV 
      • National Anthem still gives me goosebumps
      • That final drive, the anticipation of the last kick
    • Walking into our hotel lobby the night before SB XXVI to find the team checking in - ours was the 'secret hotel'
    • The Comeback
    • Celebrating signings of Chris Spielman & Takeo Spikes
    • Being at the "snow game" vs Miami with my 6 year old son and having him refuse to leave early
    • 18 years of TBDAHOTs
    • HOF Inductions - JK, Thurman, Bruce & Ralph, Andre
    • Memorable road trips (New Orleans being tops)

    Dude....I think you may actually be....me! 

  4. Worst is not even close....Oakland!  They cannot move that team soon enough.  The stadium is horrible and the fans are worse. I will NEVER go back there again, the City fathers (along with the league) should all be ashamed.


    Best road experience is pretty much ch everywhere else, including London, which was a total blast!

  5. 6 minutes ago, 4_kidd_4 said:


    I am a proud refugee myself.


    Really makes me wonder how it affects their overall web traffic, because I know that I used to be on that page multiple times a day. Now I’ve gone on about 5 times this season, and it’s only to manage my season ticket account.


    This place is way better anyways, BBMB was way over moderated and turned too ‘company line’. 

    Likewise, I only go to the team website to watch the press conferences now.

  6. There's very little you can take away from Thursday night.  That was a 'burn the film' performance if I've ever seen one.


    With that said however the utter lack of a pass rush is going to prove to be the death blow as the Bills face Brees, Brady, Rivers and Alex Smith. Bad things Man!

  7. 6 hours ago, JinxedBill1 said:

    Came here after BBMB went down.  Was on there for a decade plus.

    Same here. I'm still not really sure why the Bills stopped hosting a chat room for their own fans....but then again there's very little about what the Bills organization does that I ever understand.

  8. While I appreciate the optimism, the 2017 Bills remind me more of so many teams along the road of this seventeen year desert. They have an aging running back, a mediocre quarterback and a number of other defensive pieces on borrowed time and contracts.  Their big draft picks are a cornerback (who's done really well) and a slot receiver who's yet to impress.  


    How is this team all that different than thos fielded by Jauron, Marrone, or countless other speed bumps along the way?


    Go Bills.....PLEASE

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