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SoCal Deek

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Posts posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Just now, xRUSHx said:

    Good post man,

    I would give you a thumbs up but I'm out of them for today. 

    At the start of the season I thought 4 or 5 wins, I guess I should be happy they might get 6 or maybe even 7 but I think I would have rather them just go all in on the tank and get the 4 or less wins I was really wanting so this team can truly rebuild. 6 or 7 wins wont even get a wild card so why bother.

    Can the Bills help it if the Broncos stink, the Falcons had a super bowl hangover and the Raiders kept giving the ball away? Would you feel better?

  2. 3 minutes ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:


    It's a fair question.


    I think it goes deeper than "telling everyone upfront", though, Crisp.  There's been a real mixed message in some of the personnel moves.  For example, a number of the players brought in by trade have been 1 year (1.5 yr for Benjamin) rentals - what's the point, if you're not trying to win? 

    The Bills are trying to win.  They just weren't EXPECTING to.

  3. Oh brother!


    The Team is neither tanking or not tanking. Did they do better than anyone thought right out of the gate? Sure. But, now it's all catching up with them and the true quality level is starting to show.


    At the end of the day they'll win six or seven games just virtually everyone knew they would but the 'story' will have an odd twist to it based mostly on the odd schedule that had them playing the hardest part of their schedule near the end.  Had the schedule been reversed we'd have already added two beat downs by the Patriots an people would be complaining that late season wins over Denver and Oakland and Yampa would only serve to ruin their draft order.



  4. 1 minute ago, joesixpack said:



    only Super Bowl winners get the confetti kid.


    And i am HIGHLY confident that at most Gilmore/Gilislee will experience this.


    Deep breaths man. Perhaps a paper bag.


    First of all I'm not a kid...not even close Joe.  Second, I said SOME of their ex-teammates.  Now you breath!

  5. 3 hours ago, joesixpack said:


    Only, I've established this earlier. NONE of those guys are the reason their teams will make the playoffs.




    Do you really think the guys in the Bills Locker Room care that "none of those guys are the reason"?  All they know is that while they are sitting home in January, some of their ex-teammates are going to be on the big stage with confetti coming down all around them.



  6. This team has HUGE holes at every roster level.



    Running Back....AGING

    O Line.........HORRIBLE with NO young depth

    WR....TALL but injured

    TE.....OVERPAID and injured


    D-Line....HORRIBLE, OVERPAID and NO young depth

    LB.......YUCK with NO young depth

    D-Back.....ONE promising young player, and the rest on borrowed time and often injured


    Please tell me where I am wrong.


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