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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Or maybe you are. This is the thread to discuss Biden’s corruption champ. If you nitwits want to blather on about Trump twenty four seven there are plenty of places to do that….but, no! You will not tolerate dissent in your fascist utopia.
  2. If the NFL is canceling games due to on field injuries then the sport is in real trouble. In essence it means they’ve fostered an unsafe environment and need to due something to reverse course.
  3. STFU for a change. Trump is being prosecuted and will get his chance for a defense. You can stop posting all of this crap now. We’ve heard it relentlessly for YEARS. How many times can he sleep with your sister?
  4. Wait! How’d you know I wasn’t referring to Peterman? 😳
  5. Can they steal that kid from the Bears? He sounded like he was headed for the Practice Squad.
  6. Say what? There are plenty of Trump threads on here. Feel free to post until your fingers bleed. So…do you just choose to ignore the obvious Biden corruption scheme?
  7. When have I ever said that Trump shouldn’t be punished if found guilty? I haven’t! But….ignoring the obvious corruption while salivating over putting Trump behind bars is beyond ridiculous! Trump isn’t sitting in the White House. Biden is!
  8. So you’re okay with green lighting the Biden corruption? Good to know. At least we see who we’re dealing with here. Sad.
  9. Santos was not a case of corruption! Neither is Gaetz. Geez you’re really off your game today. You’re aware the roles of King and Court Jester are already taken, right?
  10. YOU said that the Republicans are known for widespread corruption, then YOU listed a bunch of guys all working for a single campaign. Please try and stay up with the conversation you appear to be having with yourself.
  11. Just listing everyone in the Trump campaign doesn’t qualify as systemic corruption. Really pathetic try.
  12. Huh? Other than your ridiculous hard on for Trump, where’s all of the cheating you cite? Just randomly saying stuff is no way to go through life.
  13. This is NOT about the truth. This about rocking the cart back and forth enough times that you tip it over completely. It’s all baby steps on the long road to fundamentally transforming America into the leftist utopia where minimal effort is required to live an utterly meaningless state-supported life. So if your leaders skim a bit off the top, it’s just fine with them. Give them their cradle to grave mediocre existence and it’s just fine.
  14. Corruption? Try thinking just a bit before you go with the canned knee jerk reaction….Pee Wee Herman “I know you are but am I?” defense.
  15. It’s actually WAY WAY worse than that. The Left knows this old fart is guilty as heck of what he’s being accused of. The distinction is that they simply don’t care. Corruption makes no difference to them anymore. They figure it’s just built into the cake on their journey towards a leftist utopia. I mean why care if government officials are skimming off the top so long as you’re getting a bunch of free stuff out of it yourself.
  16. On the contrary. It isn’t like ANY of those things. Being in silent support of corruption is completely out of the traditional character of those on the Left. Whereas most would say that supporting the America First policies espoused by Trump only exposed what critics maintain are the true colors of the Right. So again, when did the Left lose its way? Or…was it always like this wherein the ends were used to justify the means?
  17. Apparently if you just keep saying there’s “no evidence”….then there isn’t. I have no idea when the Left fell into complete synchronized lockstep with defending corruption but it’s amazingly sad.
  18. If that’s supposed to be a disgraceful mug shot the Left has failed again miserably. It looks more like a passport photo. Total idiots!
  19. Hilarious! I thought we weren’t supposed to be judging people based on their looks. Or is it only acceptable if the Democrats do it? (Just trying to figure out if we still have any rules.)
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