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SoCal Deek

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Posts posted by SoCal Deek

  1. The only reason to release Shaq is because we're all pretty disappointed in the return on investment for a First Round Draft Pick.  However trading him is not going to make that lack of return any less painful.  Keep him.  He isn't hurting anything.  The Team is going to need some solid players in their prime.  But stop dreaming that he is suddenly going to be Bruce Smith.

    • Like (+1) 2
  2. 13 minutes ago, Jay_Fixit said:

    Get your quarterback

    Protect your quarterback

    Get to the other teams quarterback

    This!  All three of these needs should be addressed in this year's Draft and all three can be with the number of early round picks the Bills have.  The only thing that will screw this up is when the Front Office gets cute and starts trading up to get 'their' guy.  History has already taught us that drafting accuracy is not all that good for any team...especially the Buffalo Bills.  If you Trust the Process during the season, you also have to the Trust the Process in the off season.

  3. Or...just maybe...they could spend less time on the phones trying to convince other teams to trade up and down, and instead spend more time on actually scouting the true potential of the players that they'll eventually select!  No, wait a minute.  These are the Buffalo Bills and we all that they're WAY smarter than the other 31 Teams.

  4. 4 minutes ago, JohnBonhamRocks said:

    Regardless of whether we have to trade up for a QB, how do people feel about taking 2 QBs in this draft? 

    Play Peterman the rest of the way and then you'll have a better idea of bad the current roster is.  I see little good coming from drafting two QBs as some sort of training camp competition or insurance against poor scouting.

  5. 4 minutes ago, MDH said:


    Totally agree. Fade from the 1 yard line out of an empty backfield was about the lowest percentage play they could call there. To top it off they threw it to their #3 WR who was being covered by legit #1 CB (despite what a vocal faction on this board would have people believe.)


    It made absolutely zero sense.

    I could not agree more! That play call should have gotten him fired on the spot. Horrible!

  6. Shaw

    It isn't supposed to be like this in the modern NFL. Every year the Bills send out another roster and coaching staff to the inevitable slaughter. Yesterday was no different and if you think the Bills had a chance in that game if TT doesn't throw that early pick...I'm sorry but you're way off!  Until this team starts hitting the Patriots in the proverbial mouth they have no chance. I guarantee the Steelers are not afraid of NE....and they won't play them that way.

  7. 8 hours ago, Turk71 said:

    Before the merger the Browns were my family's favorite NFL team. Grandpa, dad, my brothers and I would all watch in the basement man cave. Jim Brown and Paul Warfield were my favorite players. I also remember going up to the attic to watch fuzzy hockey night in Canada from Toronto station with tin foil on the antenna. Now I feel old.

    OMG....I think you're me!

    Used to love that old hockey night in Canada theme music. 

    The coolest thing was getting that rotating antenna that wiukd slightly improve the signal. We'd sometimes pick up a fuzzy signal out of Rochester so we could pirate the Bills games from the Rockpile.

    Good times!

  8. The worst thing that'll happen to the Bills is to still be in the hunt in Week Seventeen.  That'll mean TT will still be starting, Peterman will not be allowed a chance to see if it was all just a bad dream, and the 9-7 record will lured OBD to stick with Tyrod for yet another year. Mark my words.


    PS: We lose the playoff tie breaker but feel 'good' about a winning record.....YAWN

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