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SoCal Deek

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Posts posted by SoCal Deek

  1. People please.  This is not the 1950's!  Every company has a program in place to deal with such issues.  If you choose not to do anything about it at the time.....that is a choice made at the time.  It doesn't make the harassment right, but you lose all credibility by waiting years to say anything.  There is NOTHING else that society can do to make this issue go away.  See something....say something!

  2. If the Bills want to draft a QB they should do it.  If you look back over the last decade, there is no sure thing at ANY round of the draft when it comes to the QB position.  Stay right where you are...pick the best there when you're number is called.  Or...if you get a chance to move up a 'couple' of slots, do so...but do NOT sell everything to get some kid who is a 50/50 shot at best of working out.

  3. This madness has to stop!  Everyone can't be running around with the hair on fire ALL THE TIME!   We had this national 'conversation' about twenty years ago with Clarence Thomas and Bill Clinton.  The entire nation has mandatory training at work.  Every company has a policy and procedure manual for reporting such incidents.  If people (women and men) are not going to say anything at the time things are said to have happened.....there is pretty much no fixing it. 

  4. These things all come down to timing.  The Bills do NOT have a core to build around with a veteran free agent QB.  He will have peaked out right about the time the other stock pile of 2018 Picks is coming of age, and you'll be right back where you started.  Take a QB, some O Lineman and a MLB in the Draft, and let them get up to speed together.  You build a team from the center of the field.

  5. 51 minutes ago, Binghamton Beast said:


    I just don’t think this team, and where they are, has anything to do with the past.

    You're correct. They don't have anything to do with the past.  The thread considers the fan base's perception of the team....not the team's perception of themselves.  The years all blend together, and I was actually mighty amazed to find how little time they've spent under water over the last four years, including a span that included an ownership, management and coaching change.  In fact, I maintain that it's actually that "Commitment to Mediocrity" that has been so frustrating. They've been "in the hunt" for a long, long time.  Always a bridesmaid and never a bride. 


    Here's hoping that even this blind squirrel finds the proverbial nut in 2017.


    Go Bills!

  6. 21 minutes ago, Binghamton Beast said:



    So how does that relate to this group of players and coaches?

    Mr. Beast?  I'm not sure what you're response means?  Where in my thread does it mention "this group of players or coaches"?  Answer...it doesn't.  The thread audience is the fan base!  (You do realize that 'this group of players and coaches' are not in this chat room....right?)

  7. After Sunday's win over the Colts I've read threads about how this weeks Miami game is going to be super important for a late season contest.  Of course, everyone chimed in to say this was not first time....and they were actually right.  I went back and looked at the last four seasons, and it's actually hard to believe that even with all the frustration, bad calls, poor strategy and seemingly endless choking, the Bills have spent a grand total of 3 weeks at two games below .500 out of 64 regular season games!  That list includes twice in 2016, one of those being the meaningless week seventeen following the loss to the Jets, and Once in 2015 after a late season loss to the Redskins....which they then followed with two wins to close out the year.


    I'm not sure if this makes things better or worse, but if you're wondering why this all feels like deja-vu.....there it is!


    Whether your glass is half full or half empty, it appears the Bills Comfy Place is when they're "in the hunt".

  8. 3 hours ago, LABILLBACKER said:

    This whole confusing playoff scenario we play every year could be avoided if the league would just let us play in the afcw....

    I'll bet you they move the Patriots with us.


    Rat bastards!!!

    1 hour ago, Albwan said:

    bengals wont win that game they will have packed it in by then.

    I always say don't be so sure. I'm good if we're still alive that final Sunday morning. 

  9. 3 minutes ago, Domdab99 said:

    High draft picks in the NFL are not worth trading up for. It's been proven again and again. This isn't the NBA, where a top 5 pick cam immediately be a superstar. Accumulating picks, trading down, rolling tnhe dice on MORE THAN ONE pick is how great NFL teams are built.


    Watch the Browns in a couple of years. They are building something there...they have a good, young nucleus on defense...assuming their new GM isn't an idiot, of course. Which is a big assumption.


    I'm all for trading down. Get more picks.

    And your starting QB is going to come from where exactly?

  10. 11 minutes ago, PromoTheRobot said:


    I don't see a team that has given up. I do see a fan base that has.

    Watch the press conference and the player interviews. You can almost see the bags of golf clubs and swim trunks packed in the background. This doesn't look or sound like a team that's ready to play a game on Sunday.  They sound more like a bunch of kids anxious to go out and make a snowman!

    • Haha (+1) 1
  11. None of this bodes well for the Bills on Sunday! The fans appear done, the players are being sent to IR, and watching the Coach's press conference gave me the sense that he too sees the next month as the beginning of the offseason.


    Its all really said. Out here in LA the Chargers, with the exact same record, are gearing up for a playoff run. After the Ravens lose on Sunday night to the Steelers and the Raiders/Chiefs game pushes one of them below 'us' the Bills in the hunt status could be more real than ever.  But....as is typical of this organization it's just way easier to shut it all down and start the visions of next year's sugar plum fairy draft picks dancing in their heads.


    No wonder the drought continues...and will go on and on.

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