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SoCal Deek

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Posts posted by SoCal Deek

  1. 2 hours ago, Capco said:


    I'm not saying to fire people as soon as someone gets accused.  But any victim DOES have a right to be believed; there is no way to differentiate a false accuser from a genuine victim initially, is there?  


    The firm needs to do their homework behind closed doors and figure out who's telling the truth.  Get testimonies of employees, examine digital evidence, use lie detectors, etc.  If evidence is conclusive, fire the accused.  If it's found to be completely false, fire the accuser and exonerate the accused to your other employees.  


    Sexual harrassment needs to be punished, but so too do false accusations.  There is no double standard.  

    It sounds to me like this country desperately needs a court system so we can sort out things between plaintiffs and defendants!  Oh wait.....WE ALREADY HAVE ONE!


    PS:  The internet and water cooler gossip is not a substitute for a court system.

  2. Well....I did my own research and I was wrong!


    The Bills have seven Running Backs in the top 120 NFL all time in yardage...and most, if not all of those yards were while they were on the Bills (Shady had a bunch with the Eagles.)


    If strictly by average, the Bills would only have 3 or 4.

  3. 1 hour ago, PIZ said:


    I'd like to know if they would consider Suquon Barkley in the first, instead of a QB.  Sign Cousins, then trade up for Barkley?

    I mentioned this already.  The problem the Bills find themselves in is a lack of young depth and strength on both sides of the ball, up the middle of the field.  IMHO it makes zero sense to bring in a veteran QB for a couple of years with so few 'weapons' to surround him with.  By the time that depth and strength develops, your free agent QB will be over the hill.  At some point this team is going to have start fresh....like the Cowboys did with Aikman, Irvin and Smith, etc....or even the Rams, by first building an Offensive and Defensive Line...or any one of a number of other examples.

  4. Let the debate begin!  I am not in opposition to Shaw.  My point is that simply listing every other running back that has worn the uniform after the top couple of Hall of Famers does not make the list more robust.  Someone can do the research...but I'd guess that just by the shear longevity of OJ and Thurman with the Bills, that by definition has suppressed the stats of many of the others included in the 'factory'!

  5. Yikes


    CBS clearly thinks that NOBODY other than the people in Buffalo and Miami have any interest in a game between Buffalo and Miami.  I find that really hard to believe...but it shows you what CBS thinks about it. (I've always wondered how they come up with these decisions.)

  6. 2 hours ago, MAJBobby said:

    Or you as an individual can take what he says with a grain of Salt because some people do have friends and people in OBD as well as other organization and the league

    I am willing to bet Cousins Doesn't get 30M a year. His value on the open market is going to be between 24-28M a year

    And you really believe that people with inside information use a CHAT ROOM to relay this 'knowledge'?  Hahahaha!


    its far more likely that it's a junior high student sitting there in his pajamas.  Or, of course....a Russian!

  7. What the?


    NOBODY is crapping on the guys OPINION.  The challenge is to the claim of insider information as if that anonymous claim is supposed to lend his OPINION more credibility.  This generation needs to learn that everything posted on the internet is not necessarily true.  In fact it's often not.


    So post all day long.  All are welcome. But claiming some sort of authority?  I think not.

  8. Dunkirk Don?


    You do realize that nobody on here knows who the heck you are....right? If you're going to enter a chat room and then demand respect and recognition of your self proclaimed authority you may need to slow down a bit.


    Keep posting Don.  It's only a chat room for heavens sake!

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  9. SoTier, I disagree. The Bills have let numerous first round picks go. The changes in the rookie salary cap have made it less painful and embarrassing. If the Bills personnel department executes the draft correctly they should know whether the third or fourth QB will be there in mid round one or round two. IMHO it makes little difference when you pick him this year. They've got a stockpile of picks to use.

  10. 13 hours ago, Eastcoastlegacy said:

    I have a question.  For the sake of this exercise lets assume we pick 3rd overall.  If you are scouting QBs but you know you are 3rd, the 2 teams ahead of you are picking QBs and you are therefore targeting what may be the 3rd 'best."  You get the guy you were targeting, did you still "get your guy?"  Even though you may have ideally preferred one of the other two already taken?

    Yes you got your guy. The only team that has a different mind set is the one that picks first in Round One. After that pretty much all of the other picks for every team become increasingly consolations with each player coming off the board.  Nothing to be ashamed or scared of. The Bills will be in a great position to take a QB in 2018 and there are no locks in the coming draft class. They're is about as much chance of getting a guy with the third one off the board as there is with one and two this year....IMHO

  11. 3 minutes ago, Capco said:

    Holy crap.  There is so much testosterone pulsating through this thread and it's almost as if it's making people stupid.


    Do you guys know how absolutely imbecilic you sound talking about your "T"?  If someone was chilling with my group of friends and said that, we'd laugh them out of town.  


    This thread is dripping with examples of why the accussed don't come forward right away, and the worst part is that you guys don't even realize it.  


    The best way to fix the "problem" of accusers coming out years down the road is to bring down as many of these sexual predators as possible in the public's eye and thereby create a culture where coming forward is acceptable rather than immediately showered with skepticism and doubt.


    Those who say "innocent until proven guilty" must not understand that it's not as if Matt Lauer was fired immediately after one accuser came forward.  There was an investigation, a "process" (thanks McD), and that process played out behind closed doors until there was sufficient belief to proceed with the termination.  That's probably what will happen with these NFLN guys.  


    It's not like there is this wave of thousands of innocent men having their lives destroyed by this orchestrated effort from a group of hateful women.  Some men's lives are getting destroyed, but so far all I'm seeing are men who had it a long time coming.  

    That's a very nice speech, and I know that much of it is both heart felt and truthful.  But fortunately we don't live in a society that rests its moorings in the concept of 'he had it coming to him'.  Thank God.

  12. The NFL is going to die from self inflicted wounds.  IMHO it's inching ever closer to the NBA on turf.  I cannot imagine that people are going to continue to invest so much time and money into games that repeatedly appear to be decided by the referees.   Just watch the highlights and let me know who the refs decided won.

  13. 34 minutes ago, Augie said:


    This whole thing is just awful. No woman should be harassed, and no guy should have to run the risk of being ruined by a false accusation, especially now that it’s so in the news - which may just give some people the idea. There are enough guilty idiots out there to make it almost seem like a normal way of life. Disgusting. 


    I have a buddy who coaches a girls high school tennis team. These young ladies can be emotional and hormonal, like all teenagers. I keep telling him “NEVER be alone with any one girl”. He tries hard to live by that, but it still worries him to some degree, and that’s too bad it has to be that way. All it takes is one girl to get upset, maybe from some sensitivity to constructive coaching, or losing her position to another girl....who knows what could set it off. High school girls is a whole new level of trouble! YIKES! 

    I could not agree more.  This going to prove the death of adults coaching kids of all ages.  Nobody is going to want to 'expose' themselves to this sort of accusation trauma.  And, I'm not sure where the end game is for women.  If this keeps up, no male employer is going to hire young women to do anything!

    4 minutes ago, jrober38 said:


    No. I haven't been accused of something I didn't do.


    And yes, if someone is being falsely accused and wants to defend themself go ahead and do so. If you've got nothing to hide it shouldn't be a big deal.  

    Rober....let me guess.....you are not an employer!  Right?

  14. 43 minutes ago, LeviF91 said:


    You're a !@#$ing moron.  I mean that sincerely.  I actually think you're stupid.


    You're calling for people to automatically believe the accusers.


    Then you say that the accused should be able to convince people to believe them.


    Which is it, cuck?

    Apparently the concept of innocent until PROVEN guilty is no longer taught in schools.

    22 minutes ago, Gugny said:


    In my staff of ~60, I have 7 men.  It's been that way most of my professional career.  Rules I've always lived by:  don't go to lunch, for a walk, anywhere with any one female.  Keep all conversations either work-related, or if about other subjects, G-rated.  I always bring a Supervisor in for any closed-door meetings.  Keep eye contact at all times; if they have nice breasts and your eyes want to wander ... FOREHEAD!


    It's just common sense.  And, unfortunately, my staff is incredibly catty and immature.  I wish I had a staff like yours.

    As a company Owner myself I hear you!  Now what happens to you, if after living by your own rules, one or more of these catty immature 'ladies' comes after you with an allegation something like FORTY YEARS after the alleged incident?  Apparently the today's answer is......You're Screwed!

  15. 3 minutes ago, jrober38 said:


    Sure there are. The legal system isn't perfect, but as I've said many times in this thread no one is threatening to send any of these guys to jail. 


    For the most part, all of the stories in the news are about men who have had a long history involving numerous accusers. Does anyone really think they're all lying?

    It makes no difference whether they are all lying or not.  The problem is that the accusers are waiting many years to come in and pounce on the accused when they feel the time is right to inflict the most damage.  That too is not right...and totally unprovable.

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