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SoCal Deek

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Posts posted by SoCal Deek

  1. 34 minutes ago, Rochesterfan said:


    Actually it appears he is and they got the call right.  Nice picture 2 posts after yours showing it.



    I disagree. One has to consider the INTENT of any law or a rule.  Riveron's interpretation does not consider the intent.  A player should not be rewarded for fumbling the ball.  For example, if Landry had fumbled the ball by clearly laying it in the field of play... then went over and laid out of bounds....then reached back onto the field and batted the ball while still laying out of bounds....should the Dolphins retain possession?  Clearly that is NOT the INTENT of the rule!

  2. 4 minutes ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    thanks for the clip.  I wasn't going to dig through the game film to see this one again.  however, in the interest of continuing the debate, here's the thing.  frame by frame, I find it impossible to identify the moment the ball left the dark gloved hand of landry v. when it appears his jersey touches the line.  I'm not arguing with you, but can you definitively see that he still has contact with the ball?  I'm wondering because the thing about camera angles is they have limitations. I can most definitely see upholding a no-fumble call if it went that way (much like the Benjamin TD call--had they ruled it incomplete I could understand insufficient evidence to overturn). but here...just seems to me they guessed, and assumed. 

    My point is that the sideline should NOT save you from a fumble.  He clearly no longer has POSSESSION of the ball.  He may be touching it but he is NOT possessing it.  Now...the reverse has always been true: To RECOVER the a fumble you must be totally in the field of play.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Figster said:

    I think when most fans looked at the schedule before the season started the thought of making the playoffs seemed remote and even the biggest homers like myself predicted 9 - 7 or tops 10 - 6 . Most of us homers have repeated this prediction for 17 years.


    I don't think McD and company accomplished making the playoffs blindly nor do I see the Bills taking two steps backwards next season..


    Its the dawning of a New Era in my humble opinion.


    I'm a Billiever...


    Figster...I like the way you roll!  But, IMHO this team is bound to get worse before it gets better.  There are holes everywhere, and while it's nice that we have all these draft picks, it's hard to believe that they are ALL going to pan out.  Once again....I am now finally, just going to enjoy every minute of it!

    • Like (+1) 1
  4. 4 minutes ago, John in Jax said:

    LOL....Everybody loves a winner, and now that they are winning, the stadium has been near capacity every week. Hell, they even pulled off the tarps to free up 3500 more seats!


    But to be honest, in my watching of a lot of games this year, I saw A LOT of empty seats in A LOT of NFL stadiums.

    That's true, but most of those cities don't cover entire sections with tarps!

    • Like (+1) 1
  5. 6 hours ago, elroy16 said:



    That is some incredibly lucky garbage. He's in the process of fumbling it, but goes out of bounds while still touching it, so it's the right call. Thankfully it didn't matter.




    If that is the correct call...then it is just one more rule that needs to be changed!  You should not be able to retain possession just because the player that clearly fumbled is touching the side line AFTER giving up possession of the ball!  This is NOT the same as when a RECOVERING player is touching out of bounds.

  6. Shaw

    Here's my take:  Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while.  Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


    Most of us have suffered through 17 years of pure, unwavering mediocrity. Through it all the team was never all that good, and only once, so bad as to be deserving of a truly top pick (Dareus). The drought had to end some time. Why not this year, in one of the years that nobody predicted it would?


    I couldn't care less what happens on Sunday. I am just glad to be off the 'snide'!  To be honest, this looks like a one and done season, and I would not be surprised to drop back right out again next year....but... I'm going to remain OVER THE TOP THRILLED ALL THIS WEEK and through the entire off-season.  The long winter is finally over!


    Go Bills

  7. The Fumble: I had taped the game and was able to go back and slow the play down to a frame by frame review. Landry is most definitely NOT touching the out of bounds when he lays the ball on the field.


    It seems to me that the league is looking for reasons to make calls more difficult than they actually are. If this is due to Riveron then he needs to be replaced. And even better still, return the referees on the field to being in charge. Somehow the NCAA has been able to do a far better, and faster, job at replay review for many many years now.

  8. The Bills line has been just OK this year.  In the running game there have been too many times when they were unable to move the line of scrimmage an inch. Shady just hits a big wall of people.  And in the passing game their performance is super hard to measure because TT refuses to throw to his first read.


    The raging debate about whether  TT or Dennison should get the blame is probably an indication that it's BOTH.

  9. I have no idea what this thread is about! I don't recall ANYONE saying that if the Bills paid Tyrod a fortune then they're bound to be a playoff team.  It doesn't work in reverse. First you have to be a good QB, and then you get paid....and probably make the playoffs. Not guaranteed.  Sheeesh 


    This year's playoffs will feature Brady, Big Ben, Drew Bree's, Cam Newton, Alex Smith, and Matt Ryan.  Looks like a pretty solid list to me. Even more so if you throw in Phillip Rivers and the two top draft picks from last year (even if Wentz is injured).


    Who cares if Detroit didn't make it?

  10. 2 minutes ago, QB Bills said:

    It wasn't a catch by the letter of the law. Get over it. Having said that, neither was Cooks' catch against the Texans that gave the Patriots that win earlier this season. The inconsistency of it all is what's maddening.


    Also, almost every fan is missing the point of the catch rule. It's written up that way to take out as much subjectivity as possible on what a catch is and what is not. Otherwise, you'd have all sorts of scenarios where a ref would have to use his "common sense". And I don't want to give that much power to an Ed Hochuli in a Bills game that may matter sometime. 

    May I respectfully suggest that you don't know the meaning of 'common sense'. It's like when political figures say they're 'taking full responsibility' but don't actually do anything or suffer any penalty.


    That was clearly a touchdown! Having to look at ten replays to come up with a reason why it isn't is the EXACT OPPOSITE of common sense.

  11. 6 hours ago, Jigsaw2112 said:

    The Bills probably lose yesterday anyway, but after the league took that td away, its pretty obvious what was going on.  Thanks for playing buffalo, but the Generals don't get to beat the Globetrotters.  You're just here so it kinda looks like a game.  



    That is hilarious!!  I was using the Globetrotter line throughout the entire second half. The only thing that was missing was a Patriot tossing a bucket full of confetti on a Bills player. (Did you see the clear taunting when the Patriot DB was waving bye bye to the Bills receiver? I guarantee that that would be a penalty if the teams were reversed!)

  12. 8 minutes ago, ScottLaw said:



    Nothing has changed despite fans trying to convince themselves McDermott is some sort of great coach. The guys Dick jauron 2.0.

    But he's a way better clapper!


    You simply cannot play this sport without a quarterback. You have to move heaven and earth to find one. Look at the 49ers. They're a completely different team. Were they smart to go get Jimmy G?  No!  They were smart to know they had to make a change! The Bills keep trying to play it safe and see if they can change everything BUT the QB.  It is never going to work. 

  13. 12 minutes ago, 26CornerBlitz said:


    It's not a TD, but it should be. 


    The ground can't cause a fumble if you're a runner unless you haven't been downed by contact, but it can cause an incompletion as it did with Clay. 

    And that nuance is exactly the problem! Think of how easily you repeat that nonsense. I can too!  But, my point is that it makes no sense at all! It's just another really weird thing that the league has done to everyone. I maintain that the NFL is destroying the game much like the NBA has. Traveling is no longer traveling. There are no fouls for wrestling under the basket but breath near a shooter and it's called. Etc

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