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SoCal Deek

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Posts posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Nobody was screaming 'run the ball' louder than me on first down, but when you think about it Jacksonville tried to run it themselves in the exact same situation and ended up throwing for the touchdown after getting stuffed.  What really stopped the Bills was Benjamin pushing off in the end zone. If he doesn't do that, even if the pass is incomplete, it's still second and goal to go.

  2. 26 minutes ago, Woodman19 said:

    The silver lining is that Tyrod did the career equivalent of burning his starting QB job bridge for the entire league to see.  No way hes back.



    Face it, thhe game was nothing more than a bump along the road to what would have been a sure crushing by the Patriots.  I, for one, am praying that OBD doesn't get blinded by the end of the drought euphoria to miss the fact that Tyrod is NEVER going to take this team anywhere.

  3. 6 minutes ago, ganesh said:

    Gase came out criticizing both Drake and Laundry and explicitly mentioned that it was unacceptable of what they did  ON the field.

    Possibly so but I don't recall seeing him on the field on Sunday....whereas I do remember the Bills coaches going out to break things up and bring their players back to the sideline.

  4. Rochester.  


    Im not referring to the intent of the PLAYER, as in the tuck rule.  I'm talking about the intent of the RULE. 


    Yes, if the player is touching out of bounds he cannot RECOVER a ball that he never had. Why?  Because he isn't actually in the game if he's out of bounds.


    But, in this case the player left the ball on the field, so just as in the case above he should not be able to regain possession by merely contacting the ball while he's out of bounds!


    let me ask you this.  If a running back is tip toeing down the sideline and a defender who is now standing out of bounds reaches out and swipes at the ball, hitting it with his fingertips, but NOT causing a fumble, is the play whistled dead because an out of bounds defender touched the ball?  I don't think so. After Sunday I'm not so sure.

  5. I had never heard of Mike White before this thread...but after googling his size and stats he sure has the measurables.  I'll leave it to the Scouting Department to know better about how he stacks up against his peers and the competition.  One thing I do know is that you can't teach size.  He is listed at 6'-4" tall....which would be refreshing change from the current starter.

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  6. On ‎1‎/‎2‎/‎2018 at 4:21 PM, Rochesterfan said:


    I totally disagree.  The rule is pretty specific - if a loose ball is touched by a player out of bounds - the ball is out of bounds.  There is no intent. You are making it much more complex than it needs to be.  If he was out of bounds and touching the ball at all - it is out of bounds.


    It it would be the same issue if the defender touched it out of bounds.  Additionally if a kickoff is in bounds, but the receiver reaches and touches it and he is out of bounds - the kick-off is considered out of bounds.

    The issue is not whether the rule is specific.  I'll assume that it is. But, we send lawmakers to Washington not only to make new laws, but to amend existing ones when new circumstances arise.  In this case, once again, I do not believe that the INTENT of the rule is being properly interpreted or applied.  I do not believe the rule-writer intended the out of bounds stripe to be a life boat for a player to use as a means of negating a fumble that was clearly made when he was still in bounds.

  7. Adam Gase (Dolphins Head Coach) showed a total lack of respect for both the game and the process.  He pulled his starting QB after ONE series?  No idea what that was about.  Then he goes for it on fourth down like some sort of river-boat gambler. Then he does nothing when his players on involved in an on-field brawl. If I was a Chargers fan, I would be super pissed off. Really sad.


    On the other hand, Marvin Lewis (Bengals Head Coach) showed total respect for the game and the process.  He did the exact opposite of all of the above, and look at the national respect he's earned for it.  Real class act.


    Go Bills

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  8. 49 minutes ago, SinceThe70s said:


    What the  younger generation may not be as familiar with are the two years before the Super Bowl run. The Harmon drop against Cleveland was excruciating, but those teams had Kelly, Bruce and others and you could see it coming. 


    This is different. Been a fan since , um, well you know. Teams were bad much more than they were good and sometimes God-awful. But we'd make the playoffs every so often. The 17 year drought was epic, I have all the respect in the world for everyone here who has stuck through it without a taste of the playoffs. Hard core! 

    What some forget is that the Bills almost made it to SIX straight Super Bowls.  The Harmon drop of course, but the very next year they were in the AFC Championship Game against a not so great Bengals team.

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