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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. You’re a total clown. The lesson of the last election is that our system worked. The checks and balances put in place resolved the issue. Trump is not president and he didn’t need to be forcefully removed from office by anyone. The End.
  2. Why doesn’t this shock me? If true…it shows that these people were literally taking lessons from each other on how to run a total scam of a government. Fake names, private servers, shell corporations, fake foundations, swindling money out of foreign countries. If this hasn’t already become a second world country, you can certainly see one from where we stand.
  3. Lighten up Counselor. You guys REALLY need to get a sense of humor. Your rabid thirst to ‘get Trump’ has sucked out any last remaining bits of your souls.
  4. This has Peterman written all over it!
  5. So it’s your position that lawyers don’t have a right to argue a case that helps their client if it’s in disagreement with the government? That also sounds an awful lot like fascism. 😉
  6. You call it what whatever you want, but if you routinely argue against the rights of people to disagree with the government…don’t look now…you’re an actual fascist. 😉
  7. On offense, the household names acquired via the draft are/is just Josh Allen. On defense via the draft the household names would be Tre White and only recently Milano. No argument there. And it’s looking more and more like that’s the path the Bills have chosen.
  8. The other day I googled the Bills all time draft history. I think people are glossing over just how bad the past few years have been in terms of the actual draft and then retaining (or choosing to keep) players who showed some level of promise. It’s really a mess! If you compare it to the drafts that lead to the Super Bowl teams there’s no comparison.
  9. I’ll tell you why. It’s because the Charlottesville lie got the entire narrative started and people are too proud to admit they were lied to. We should be way passed this racism crap by now, but sadly people continue to fall for it.
  10. Sure sounds an awful lot like it Goose. And be careful there because you just might be a closet fascist. 😉
  11. I knew it! Go back and read the entire quote or just watch the video. That is NOT what he said. You’re a fool!
  12. Apparently the naked photos he had of the entire front office finally faded. 😉
  13. Now what? So because a bunch of lunatics prefer him over corrupt Joe, that makes him a racist? You amaze me every day. You claim to read a lot but yet know absolutely nothing about life.
  14. Oh come on! Trump didn’t give two shites about race. Change the freaking channel for a change! You are being manipulated.
  15. He always does….but if you say you’re a doctor enough times then you apparently get a free pass.
  16. Who knew that the National Archives would keep coming up in every story. Looks like we’ve got yet another worthless federal department to shut down and rebuild.
  17. Re-signing Ed Oliver is not a resume builder. 😉
  18. Wasn’t a fan of Boogie but the Bills appear to be roaming around in the dark right now looking for some magic combination of players. You can only waste so many picks before it catches up with you.
  19. A political campaign, whose sole purpose is to get a candidate elected, was working in coordination to….wait for it….get a candidate elected. Go figure!
  20. Sounds about right. Bend with your knees, not with your back. And when you return…please confine your Trump tantrum to the dozens of other threads devoted to that topic. Please
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