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SoCal Deek

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Posts posted by SoCal Deek

  1. 2 hours ago, Kwai San said:


    I too have that same poster, with all the tixs from that game framed into it too.......the jests tix looks like it went thru the washer!!!  I was dumb enough to pass on buying that slice of history......dumb dumb dumb.

    I carry the ticket stub from the Miami game in my wallet to this day. I think the face value of that sideline season ticket was $13....but to me it’s still priceless!

    • Like (+1) 1
  2. 9 hours ago, PromoTheRobot said:

    Probably because it's the first sports team I became a fan of, back in 1968 or so. I was 10.

    Dude...you’re me! I’ll never forget listening to the games from War Memorial on my transistor radio...then waiting all week for Channel 7 to show “Buffalo Bills Highlights” the next Saturday afternoon. Great childhood memories.

  3. Fun story...but I’m not getting the analogy. The Bills didn’t sell their soul or compromise their principles or judgement to make the playoffs this season. In fact they did pretty much the exact opposite. There’s a case to be made that they could return to the post season by doing a whole lot LESS this off season than many on here are suggesting. (They won’t win the super bowl but people please, the playoffs aren’t THAT hard to make!)


    Besides, what’s the alternative to going forward? Dropping the microphone and walking off stage?  In the words of Aaron Rogers....relax.

  4. 8 minutes ago, Luka said:

    Foles or Bradford I would be fine with. Then you draft someone like Rudolph or Lauletta, you keep Peterman and you have a QB battle in the offseason. Bradford would probably win that battle and as I've said before, he makes it easy to transition to the next guy because he's bound to get hurt. But we have to approach this like the Eagles or Vikings and build the rest of the team to the point where we're good to great and the right QB puts you over the top.

    Everyone is drooling over Kirk Cousins, but in just a few days the Super Bowl MVP might just be Nick Foles.  That is going to change EVERYTHING.

  5. 2 hours ago, Shaw66 said:

    "not a crazy buyer."


    In this realm, crazy is in the eye of the beholder.   If they make a big free agent move, there definitely will be some folks complaining that they paid too much.   Maybe me.   If they trade up, there will be people complaining they gave up too much, or took the wrong guy.  


    Hard to know what's crazy.   If they trade two first round picks for Luck, crazy will be determined by how Luck plays over the next five years.  

    Peyton's the only one.

    Shaw....with all due respect I think we'd get general consensus on what a 'crazy buyer' would look like.  Especially for a franchise that just got done using two first round picks on a WR who is no longer on the team. I simply cannot see the current leadership giving up their two first rounds picks, and as some have said, one of their seconds, or next years first, for EITHER a free agent or rookie.  I just don't think that's in their DNA right now.

  6. Horn Dog,


    You touched on a critical element of the QB puzzle, and that is that all doesn't come together on the same day. The Bills are first going to try the Free Agency market to see who can be obtained at what cost. If that falls through then it's on to the Draft Option.  And, if the Draft falls through, then they might just have to settle for Plan C (a less favorable free agent and/or rookie then they were hoping for).


    One thing is certain: The Bills are going to need help to get either a top flight Free Agent or a top flight Rookie. It takes a willing Seller to complete these kind of deals. I believe the Bills are a willing Buyer, but they're probably not a crazy Buyer.



    • Like (+1) 1
  7. Nice read Shaw


    I'd submit that NO teams are happy with a QB that's consistently in the 15 to 20 range. Most teams are probably OK with the 10 to 15 range even if they don't admit it publicly. Obviously the better your QB, the more safe you feel.


    With regards to trading players or picks...you always have to factor in that the team your trading picks fits into the same line of thinking as described in the paragraph above.

    • Like (+1) 2
  8. 15 hours ago, ColoradoBills said:


    Good question.  Unfortunately the answer is no.  All the trades the Bills were for low cost players nearing the end of their respective contracts.

    A future benefit could be someone like Alex Smith.  He has a 20 million cap hit in 2018 but KC would eat a little over 3 million if we traded for him.


    Big Dead Money hits come with high dollar guys with a lot of years left on their contracts (like MD).


    When teams change GM's, coaches, coordinators they invariably get rid of guys that don't fit their schemes.

    Bills have been on or near the top of the Dead Money lists for too many years lately.

    It's one reason a more stable organization usually has a lower Dead Money cost.

    Thanks for the thorough response. I was afraid of that, but not too surprised. 

  9. 5 minutes ago, Kirby Jackson said:



    Just thinking out loud does anyone honk adding a few pounds to Shaq and kicking him inside might be a good idea? 

    I don't know about adding pounds to Shaq but supposing they don't this Mock would mean the Bills would have THREE first round draft picks across their D Line. Four if you count Hughes. Now....if they can't stop the run or rush the passer at that point there's something wrong!

    • Like (+1) 1
  10. I can't recall a year when there were so many free agent QBs, with recent winning track records there to be had in free agency. IMHO the Bills are in EXCELLENT position. They've got a bunch of stockpiled draft picks and are sitting in a slot where their not going to be able to use one on a QB. They were a playoff team last season making them an attractive spot for a veteran to move in. (Smith, Foles, Bradford, Cousins, Keenum, Teddy...Luck?)


    2018 has veteran QB written all over it.

  11. Really well done. I think it gives great insight into the kind of analysis that NFL teams actually do. I'm always shocked at how spotty the rate of return is on top QBs...but you have to keep rolling the dice none the less. You can't win consistently in the NFL without a legitimate starting QB. (Dying to find out who the one responder says is the guy he 'knows when he sees him' actually is.)

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