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SoCal Deek

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Posts posted by SoCal Deek

  1. 17 minutes ago, billsfan11 said:

    Oh ok so you’re suggesting draft a rookie and sign cousins?


    I would personally do one or the other.


    Ideally I would love for the Bills to go all in and try to get Rosen or Allen

    Yes, that's exactly what I'm suggesting.  If the Rookie is ready in a year or two, (like the Chiefs think with Mahomes) you unload Cousins on the next team that's in need in 2020.  If the Rookie isn't ready, no harm done.  If Cousins turns out to be the real deal....then it doesn't matter that the Rookie is sitting there, and you probably have an opportunity to trade him.

  2. 3 minutes ago, billsfan11 said:

    I see your points.


    Im just personally not sold on Cousins as a franchise guy.


    If he was even like a Matt Ryan type then I would have no problem with the Bills spending a ton of money at the QB position 

    I'm not a huge Cousins fan either, but it sort of doesn't matter what they pay him as long as the Rookie is ready to compete on his Rookie Contract and everyone else fits inside the Cap.  Put it this way........are you losing sleep over Dareus?  They're paying him and he's not even on the roster anymore!

  3. 15 minutes ago, Jamie Muellers Ghost said:

    Yikes....a Wide Receiver with our first pick?  Please say no!  I always look to see who the Mock has taken right behind the Bills, because it shows who we passed on.  In this scenario we pass on a couple of Offensive Tackles and Mason Rudolph.  IMHO it would seem like any of those three would be a better fit right now than a wide-out.  I'm willing to wait and see how Zay does in his second year, and I really have to wonder who this Mock suggests will be playing QB for the Bills in 2018.

  4. 6 minutes ago, billsfan11 said:

    Nooooo lol.


    No way I would go after cousins especially at 27 to 30 mil per year 

    I'm not sure that there isn't some logic to it, if properly structured.  The Bills will be loading the roster with seven or eight 'cheap' draft picks this year. I'd imagine that will clear space for Cousin's hefty contract for the next few years....no?

    • Like (+1) 1
  5. 18 minutes ago, GunnerBill said:

    No, no, no, no and just in case it wasn't clear.... No. 


    Terrible idea. People need to stop suggesting we give things up for Nick Foles.  

    Gunner....I am going to put you down for a "no".  With that said, I disagree with you.  Shady can run up and down the field all day long, but he isn't getting any younger, and the chance of this team returning the playoffs with the same running back/quarterback combo are less than slim.  While I would hate to see Shady go, and while I doubt the Philly would make the trade, I would much rather draft a stud running back and pair him up with Foles, than stick with an aging running back and pair him up with the fifth or sixth quarterback taken in the draft.

  6. 33 minutes ago, row_33 said:


    to quote you:  It has no real impact on me and my life


    So that would help you with my response.  You are on here getting ticked off at an honest response yet try to pretend calmness like the Buddha over financial concerns.


    DOES... NOT... COMPUTE... :D



    I'm not sure why you think I'm ticked off. Again, I've never cared how much money other people make. What I find ridiculous is those who expect the government to come in like some sort of modern day Robin Hood and re-distribute that money after the game has been played.

  7. 3 minutes ago, row_33 said:


    you'd care if your small business had to eat a $100,000 account receivable from a pro athlete who up and declared bankruptcy leaving you up the creek.





    not to say that happened to Buffalo proprietors and Hall of Fame QBs.....


    Can't say that I know what that has to do with their rate of taxation....but I'm guessing you were stiffed?  And that you think only rich folks stiff people?

  8. 4 hours ago, The Drought said:

    Poor guys, having to live paycheck to paycheck during the season.

    The only paycheck that I've worried about is my own. I could not care less how much a Fortune 500 CEO makes or an NFL Star.  It has no real impact on me and my life. But with that said, no one should be forced to pay a larger percentage of their pay to the Government than they get to keep for themselves and their family.

  9. 3 minutes ago, John from Hemet said:

    My big thing on trading up for a QB


    I know we have these 2 first round picks....but I am mentally preparing myself for it to cost us both of those AND the following years 1st round pick to trade up that high.


    - We have other needs and lots of great talent is gonna fall

    - There WILL be QBs at those twenty something picks that will at least have the "potential" to be better then what we have


    McD is a defensive guy......what if he wants a DT and a QB in that first round?   Who can really fault him for that?

    I agree John.  If you swing and miss after giving up all of those picks, the impact will last for years.  Just waiting a couple of years and all of the 20/20 hindsight folks will be posting "see, we could have waited and had ________ without giving up a thing".

  10. 40 minutes ago, 26CornerBlitz said:


    Not in his character and he should be thankful that the Eagles' coaching staff allowed him to resurrect his career.   Eventually, he'll get another chance to show he's a fulltime starter. 

    Very well summarized....but I'm not sure you're going to end up being correct. I'm sure Foles has excellent 'character' but an NFL career is not very long. I'm going to thing his Agent and he have other plans for his immediate future.  It's really hard for me to believe he's going to be satisfied giving up his starting spot if he leads the Eagles to a 4-0 start.  That would be really rare in today's professional sports world. We are all just going to have to wait and see.

  11. There are many Quarterbacks in the NFL that were not Top Draft picks.  The top guys are generally either from top conferences (Luck, Newton, Winston, etc.) or the occasional  phenom from a lower conference, who scouts look to as a diamond in the rough (Wentz, Allen).  Then there are the Heisman hybrid guys (Manziel, etc.) whose game may not really translate to the NFL. And finally there are the many guys who come from top conference schools who may not be blue-chip 'top guys' (Dalton, Watson, Wilson, etc.) but who have a very good resume entering the Draft.  It seems like this year Rudolph fits into this last group.  He put up big numbers in a big conference against top level competition but isn't a Heisman winner, or a so-called 'top-guy'.  That however is no reason for the Bills not to draft him.


    What we've seen from so, so many threads is that there are no sure things.  Many of these guys bust.  And busts come in all shapes and conferences....just like NFL stars do!

  12. 9 hours ago, keepthefaith said:


    Jimmy G is gonna have a giant tax burden making most of his money in CA where the top tax bracket is what 13%?  That plus Fed plus that obamacare tax if still in place and other taxes he's keeping about 45%.  Nobody's gonna have a telethon for him but the amount of taxes collected is ridiculous. 

    You got that almost right. He’ll also pay property tax on his home and another 8% on everything he buys. So in the end he gets to keep about 35% if what he makes while the various levels of beurocracy take the other 65%.  Simply ridiculous!

  13. 2 minutes ago, /dev/null said:




    The only way Foles gets traded is if he asks to go somewhere he can start.  Even then I don't see the Eagles trading Foles to Cleveland or Arizona for some random picks.  They'll work with Foles to get him somewhere he wants to go.

    And you think that the Super Bowl MVP doesn’t want to start? There’s zero chance he’s going to be happy playing for four weeks just to give the ball back to Wentz. And, if he’s 4-0 at that point the Eagles are going to have a mess in their hands. Foles will be traded.

  14. 35 minutes ago, billspro said:

    - Buffalo- Keenum, White

    - Cleveland- Darnold

    - Jets- McCown, Allen

    -  Giants- Manning, Rosen

    - Broncos- Mayfield

    - Minnesota- Cousins

    - Arizona- Bradford, Rudolph

    - Pittsburgh- Jackson

    - New England- Lauletta

    - San Diego- Falk 

    - Jacksonville- Bridewater, Bortles



    The interesting part of your list will be the obvious long term comparison between the Bills and the Cardinals. One of those two teams will end up being the winner.  I sure hope it's the Bills.

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