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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. That’s an odd response…but I’m guessing it’s probably time to change the candles at your Get Trump altar. 😉
  2. No idea why this thread is narrowly focused on Allen v Brady. I don’t see the connection. Allen has NOT been common denominator of the Bills recent playoff failures. Either shift this ridiculous discussion or end the thread.
  3. No problem here. But…you seem to have a problem with the dependent using the mug shot to their advantage….which is after all the topic of this thread. In the end, the long awaited mug shot was a HUGE mistake.
  4. Close. The Union only funds enough Board members to give them a majority on the Board. The Union more or less ignores the other members.
  5. So in your version of America the prosecution should be able to use a mug shot as evidence at trial? Interesting…and utterly frightening!
  6. I see. So you go with the principle of guilty until proven innocent? Wonderful! At least we know the kind of society you’re trying to create.
  7. I apologize, it must a real pain when there’s a counter narrative to the state prescribed one.
  8. I’ve never understood these articles and arguments. Anyone who’s ever run a professional service company (which education is) knows that pencils and paper are one of the smallest line items in the budget. The big money is spent on people and benefits. And in the case of public schools you can add the cost of funding lifetime pensions to the list of benefits. Choices are obviously being made LONG BEFORE anyone ever buys a pencil.
  9. The hilarious part is that you and BillSy think that editing out ‘my ass got arrested’ would work AGAINST Trump. It wouldn’t. But feel free to keep right on trying to silence and imprison your political opponents. It’s a great look.
  10. This! You have to be ‘in the moment’ at the moment. I attended two of the Bills Super Bowls and I remember both times saying how I couldn’t imagine how those guys played a football game with all of the hype and electricity in the air. The atmosphere isn’t like any other playoff game. And similarly the finality of the playoffs make them unlike any regular season game. It all comes down to preparation and execution in an environment that is pushing hard against both. To date, the Buffalo Bills have failed to discover the secret.
  11. Thank you! These critics are such useful idiots that they cannot imagine that there are people out there who actually do and create things for a living (besides hanging around ridiculous non-productive, money sucking governmental agencies).
  12. What these morons simply don’t understand is that Biden was doing it BEFORE Trump even ran for President. As is often said….useful idiots!
  13. Which is exactly why they need full subpoena authority for banks and internal agencies to be FORCED to turn over the records. I’m not sure why you find this to be so complicated.
  14. Agreed. The numbers that I simplified above probably give an indication of why Billy B stockpiled so many of them during the Patriots run. He understood that if you only have one pick in each of the later rounds you’re not going to get a single consistent starter out of that ENTIRE bunch but once every five years or so.
  15. How is this a conspiracy? These people aren’t hired as whistleblowers AGAINST the agencies. They’re generally hired because they AGREE with the agencies. That doesn’t make them evil….it just makes them normal! The mistake is thinking that what they report is objective journalism.
  16. You can say this with a whole lot of words or just simplify down to what I said above, which is that we’ve moved long past anyone carrying about these so called public servants siphoning off cash….in BOTH parties. Very few people care and nobody in the Washington does. It’s now become normal and expected. The mistake Trump made was to bring it up.
  17. I was on the road all day yesterday traveling to and from a speaking engagement. I drove thru a McDonalds to get a fast ‘lunch’ on and off the highway. It’s over TEN DOLLARS for six chicken nuggets, fries and a Diet Coke. Sure….there’s no inflation! 🙄
  18. With all due respect, I think you’re missing the underlying narrative Joe. See my short take above and you’ll know what’s really going on here. Everyone, both Left and Right, should be expressing more concern.
  19. Let me boil it down for everyone. The lesson learned from the saga of the last almost eight years is that it’s no longer considered a crime for elected officials to use their position/influence to siphon money off the top for their personal benefit. The crime is calling attention to it. Period!
  20. That’s a pretty neat summary. In short it says your chances of finding a consistent starter are: Round 1: Two out of three Round 2: 50:50 Round 3: One out of three Round 4: One out of four Round 5: One out of six Round 6 and 7: Good luck
  21. Dammit! After waiting all day by the phone I never got a call.
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