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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. You’re completely off the reservation. I see no problem with the President expressing his/her opinion on the subject. No matter who’s the president. You’re really losing it in your blood thirst to Get Trump. This place really isn’t good for you dude. Trump threatened to fire someone that nobody knows whether he can fire? 😂😂😂😂😂
  2. In just the past few minutes we’ve been told that Trump, a guy who literally nobody in the Federal Government was listening to, pressured the Fed not to raise interest rates so as to stem off inflation, years ahead of an international pandemic that nobody ever heard of or saw coming. You couldn’t make this stuff up if you tried! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  3. Now you’ve really lost it. Dude, EVERYTHING isn’t Trump’s fault! Wake the heck up oh pompous learned one. It’s posts like this that give you ZERO credibility on here. Sadly our Court Jester position is already filled.
  4. Biden improved it? How exactly? What specific policies did the Biden administration enact that improved the economy? He didn’t change tax policy. He borrowed against our future with federal spending programs, most of which have yet to even kick in. In short, the Biden administration has done nothing to help the economy. In fact it could be said that if he’d done literally nothing at all it would’ve been even better.
  5. Wait, what? I thought you were a doctor. You planning on leaving for Lisbon before universal healthcare kicks in?
  6. I simply don’t understand the Biden Administration’s strategy here. There isn’t a chance in hell they’re going to convince the American people that things are going well with the economy. I think they’d be better off keeping quiet about it, just as they’ve done with the border and other inconvenient truths
  7. Did you move into the basement with BillSy? That’s his line! 😉
  8. Yep and for those who don’t own a globe, Venezuela is nowhere near Mexico. You’d have to have crossed through about eight countries before you’d get to our southern border.
  9. You’re supposed to seek asylum in the country directly bordering on your own. It’s not supposed to be ‘country shopping’.
  10. With all due respect….Venezuelas mess did not start on January 7th 2021. And what about the other 100 or so countries?
  11. He’s already said that he’s fleeing to Portugal right after he’s finished making a total mess of Virginia. 😉
  12. If we have this many countries seeking asylum just since Biden took office shouldn’t somebody be asking what our Secretary of State does all day? How did all of these countries suddenly fall apart? Did I miss a bunch of wars? Is religious persecution on the rampage?
  13. I’m not citing this for myself. It’s called empathy. I thought you devoted leftists worshipped at the Empathy Altar. No? Only when it serves your masters purposes? I see.
  14. Potato potato. Who do you think we’ve been ousting in other recent examples… Mother Teresa?
  15. Yes….deflection on your part. What others do on here is their issue. By the way, gas prices are still at $5.50 out here. In case you wondered if there’s been a change since my last post. 😂
  16. I cannot confirm or deny that but I do know that our recent history of regime change hasn’t been an overwhelming success. Removing Putin, as bad as he is, doesn’t mean Honest Abe Lincoln is next in line.
  17. I’d also like to add that in California, and possibly elsewhere, charter schools are at a facility DISadvantage. They cannot pass a construction bond as they don’t generally have control of their property tax base. So they often are housed in woefully inadequate modular buildings or even church basements.
  18. Dude….I live in California and know WAY MORE about public education than you’d ever hope to. All schools are funded at the same base level per student with additional funding going to those in LESSER socio economic areas. Okay… a little help here for everyone. Charter Schools are public schools. They are granted a “charter” to run independently of the local school district. They therefore have less central administration costs and tend to attract both students and teachers that are likewise inclined. They can also expel students for a variety of reasons thus sending them back to the local district public school. Make sense?
  19. Wait….what? You mean we’re supposed to be providing public education at the level of taxation? Interesting.
  20. Your posts are getting more and more odd by the day. I liked it MUCH better when you were our resident pompous doctor, posting from your lakeside yoga classes. 😉
  21. I’m confused. Can somebody please tell how small of an incursion would define a ‘small incursion’?
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