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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Wait! You mean I could’ve gone to the beach without killing all my neighbors? Go figure!
  2. It’s absolutely stunning how these people are so willing to overlook blatant corruption by our own government. They honestly don’t care. Everyone has their hand in the seemingly bottomless trough. What’s the word? Deplorable!
  3. So let me see if I understand. You believe the FBI and CIA just roam around the planet conducting corruption investigations INSIDE the government’s of our allies without these investigations first being introduced by the President? Sure they do! 🙄
  4. Well we know they spy on the Trump campaign. That we know for sure.
  5. Answer my question. You believe the President of a sovereign ally nation is going to be open to having the FBI snooping around inside his own government making accusations of corruption? Sure! See my response above.
  6. You believe it’s the job of the FBI to conduct investigations into corruption inside foreign countries? Ally countries?
  7. Not even close. In a private phone call to a newly elected administration of an ally nation, the US President asked that this incoming administration better look into what appears to be corruption on the part of BOTH of their predecessors. There is literally nothing wrong with that. In fact I’d expect the same from EVERY American President.
  8. Wait…what? The answer is build a train? I liked Kramer’s idea of a rubber ball filled with oil much, much better.
  9. 😂😂😂😂 So now it’s “extortion” when we don’t give taxpayer money away with no question asked? Unbelievable.
  10. Thanks for confirming that you’re a clueless moron Jennifer, with no power or authority to do much of anything for the American people. Guess it’s time we elect people who can.
  11. Unfortunately for Bills fans most people tend to become MORE like their true character over time, not less. Let’s hope Josh breaks that tendency.
  12. So now you want to make absolutely sure that nobody asks any questions? Wonderful! 🙄
  13. You do realize that the purpose of an inquiry is to discover evidence, right? Please tell me you know how ANYTHING works.
  14. And the Court Jester chimes in to prove my point. Much appreciated.
  15. It’s breathtaking how much a few posters on here want to avoid the possibility that anyone would even LOOK INTO this level of government corruption. A truly sad commentary on just how far we’ve slipped into tribalism.
  16. After Monday’s performance prices are going to be dropping like a stone. 😉 (I was going to make a ‘giveaway’ joke but it may be too soon following four turnovers.)
  17. What am I missing here. Isn’t this moving to an impeachment INQUIRY? Which is different from an actual impeachment. No?
  18. “Hero ball” is definitely the wrong term. You don’t need a hero when you’ve been ahead the entire game! Josh was reckless and selfish. If you fumble the shotgun snap on a meaningless down deep in your own territory, you simply fall on the freaking ball! Period.
  19. I’m with ya there….and I’d take a serious look at Morse. He got beat massively on a few rushes right up the middle. I’ve gotta believe this is his last year.
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