On the other end of the spectrum did you see the Eagles receiver reading a self-help book on the sideline…during the game? I honestly thought I’d seen everything until then!
These discussions always seem to go to the extremes. It doesn’t have to be that way. The Bills could come to a compromise agreement with Cook to pay him a decent amount without breaking the bank. It takes BOTH sides to negotiate something that works for everyone.
I obviously completely disagree. Hollins was trying to get to the end zone where he knew he’d get a reaction from the home town fans. It was his only catch of the game. He was NOT trying to show up or taunt the Denver defender.
I actually have less of a problem with the missed calls than I do with the ridiculous penalties that they DO call. The unsportsmanlike penalty against Hollins was ludicrous! Players do not care about some ticky tack nonsense that a middle aged part time insurance management dude thinks is important to whistle.
We experience wild fires every year in Southern California. What’s unusual about this event is the location and number. Our fires are typically in less populated areas of the mountains that rim the entirety of the LA metro area.
One of the biggest problems with the Rams game is that many of the players and staff live in the area impacted by the fire. As do I. We haven’t had power for two days and it’s sounding very much like we won’t until sometime on Saturday.
With all due respect, it’s a tough situation for sure. Again, I personally LOST MY HOUSE!!! But the current fire is nowhere near SoFi Stadium
Lived at the foot of the Cajon Pass for decades…..tell me about it. Winds are brutal. Be safe!