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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. The good thing about the way this lines up today is that the Bills will absolutely know what they need to do long before kickoff tonight. It could be like the drought ending season where they were finished and had to pray the Bengals pulled off a miracle an hour or so later.
  2. Both are true. I’m upset and he’s trash.
  3. Harbaugh is pure trash
  4. WTF….the Right DE for the Steelers was completely lined up over the line. Come on!
  5. This isn’t right.
  6. The Ravens aren’t even trying. Pretty embarrassing
  7. A bit of joking and a bit of “is it really that hard to spell out Off Topic”? I mean does everyone have to talk like they’re in Junior High School? Sheeesh
  8. I’m with you. Why does the thread title list him as an OT?
  9. I agree with so much of what’s been said on here. Since the NFL is television driven it’s hard to believe it makes any real difference whether teams play 17 games with one bye or 16 games with two byes and the rapid explosion of Fantasy Football and online betting has made most people’s ‘home’ team’s games even less critical. Nobody wants to see backup quarterbacks dueling it out in the playoffs. Give each team two bye weeks evenly spaced across the season strategically aligned with their Thursday night and overseas games. Done!
  10. Let me see if I can sketch something up tonight. 😁
  11. Yes…..all types of construction. Trust me.
  12. This shouldn’t be shocking to anyone. Costs are not the same across the country especially in construction/ real estate….and it isn’t because of graft. My home in Southern California cost way more than a standard home in either Buffalo or Nashville….or just about anywhere in the country for that matter. All you have to do is check out an episode or two of House Hunters on HGTV and you’ll be utterly amazed at the variation of home prices across the country.
  13. So let me see if I understand your math. You add all of the cost overruns and inflation to the Bills stadium but not to the Titans new one? There’s no free lunch in construction and certainly not on projects as complex as these ones. Things cost what they cost.
  14. Only one comment: Thank God Harty is in italics.
  15. Not anywhere. I’d be curious to see how people rank the other NFL stadiums on the Wonder of the Modern World thermometer. The only ones that might even make it on the scale might be Los Angeles, Dallas and maybe Minneapolis. The rest…..not so much.
  16. $1.5 Billion doesn’t even come close to buying you a ‘wonder of the modern world’ these days. 😉
  17. Did the Sabres look anything at all like a professional hockey team that night? (Asking for a friend.) 😉
  18. Now let me say that I really don’t want to get ahead of anything here but who’s to say that if the Bills win and get the #2 seed that the Browns wouldn’t go into Baltimore and beat them in Week 2 thus putting the Bills at home throughout the playoffs? That isn’t at all far fetched.
  19. I’m not sure what people want to know. The exterior of the stadium is going to look very similar to Tottenham….which thousands of us visited in October. The interior of the stadium is going to look like a bunch of plastic seats…just like every other stadium ever built. The only thing that ‘might be’ still to be determined is the quality of the finishes in the concourse areas. The floor plans were long ago set.
  20. You're probably right (at least in December) but I think the architecture of the Everton Stadium is much more in keeping with what people would envision for WNY. Everton has a really nice blend of a historically influenced base level with a really contemporary top.
  21. You can fast forward to the end, or just google the renderings. What I find interesting about the Everton facility is that it's waterfront setting in that traditionally blue-collar town is virtually identical to what was being proposed for the Buffalo Waterfront site. I am not implying that what the Bills are doing now isn't going to be a vast improvement over the current stadium but if people wonder what a waterfront facility might have looked like, they need look no further than the Everton videos/renderings. Again....pretty darn cool!
  22. Interesting. Not living in WNY anymore I’m wondering how you know this. Has the local media been reporting on it? Seems like a lot of inside baseball gossip.
  23. Ya know it’ll be interesting if Buffalo finally winning the Super Bowl (and without them) would enter into these players’ decisions to void their contracts in lieu of holding the future roster hostage.
  24. I can’t fault Torrence, or any rookie, for hitting a wall. The professional season is a marathon. Much longer than what these young men are used to enduring in college.
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