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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. It’s a football team Blitz. It’s not life or death. At some point you begin to realize that we, the fans, care one heck of a lot more than this roster and coaching staff does.
  2. Von Miller? Don’t you have to actually PLAY to call a player’s only meeting? Seeing as how he’s played about as much as I have this season I’m thinking of calling one myself. How’s Wednesday morning sound for everyone? 😉
  3. The Jets? Nope! Roger Goodell has only one thing on his mind, and that’s to have his Super Bowl halftime act call in sick so he can have Taylor Swift come down from the luxury box and fill in while the Chiefs win another one. Pure television ratings gold!
  4. The use of Shakir is a puzzle to me. I thought he was brought in to fill the Beasley role but to date he seems to simply pop up out of nowhere from time to time and rarely where I expect. I’d love to see him used for those quick slants that Josh knew he could always throw to Cole when he needed an easy first down.
  5. Ha! Let’s just agree that they’re a total mess on both sides of the ball. And if there were three sides to the ball we could toss in Special Teams as well. Absolutely horrible.
  6. You play the game in the moment. Does the offense suck….yep. I’m not blind! But, when you’re head coach is the defensive signal caller and he lets Mac Jones drive the entire field like he was Joe Montana THERE’s a problem.
  7. It doesn’t make him a bad person. But it clearly appears to be the case. The signs are everywhere. Way too much instability and distractions in his life. I’m guessing you’d be in the same spot if it was you….I know I was.
  8. The Bills let freaking Mac Jones drive 75 yards in less than two minutes and you guys think that 12 personnel is the problem? 😂😂😂
  9. Josh looks absolutely bored to death. As someone else said in another thread he looks like he’d much rather be on a golf course somewhere. Oh sure, when it comes down to the fourth quarter he can muster up enough energy to see if his athleticism can pull it out but up until then he’s NOT playing with the fire and focus it takes to win games in the NFL.
  10. I personally believe he’s WAY less interested in playing football right now than in any point in his young life. Too much other stuff going on.
  11. We can only hope. I should’ve said it looks like Rookie Josh but without any of the flash. Now it’s just totally average and sad.
  12. I figured out what this looks like: This is back to rookie Josh. Wild and totally inconsistent. Poor mechanics.
  13. Davis is his own worst enemy. His drops always seem to be at the worst times and his fumbles always seem to be when he’s just not playing smart after a catch. As others have posted, his actual receiving numbers are comparable to other #2 WRs. (The Bills 2023 offense does miss a reliable slot receiver.)
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