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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Huh? The townspeople are simply trying to tell the idiots in the boat that if they simply wait until tomorrow the tsunami will be long gone. 😂
  2. We all applaud your enthusiasm Sir Milano the Brave! But I highly doubt any of your adventurous Viking heroes called out the townspeople for not getting in the boat. They just went….quietly. 😉
  3. Say what? You do realize that literally hundreds of people died making such voyages, right?
  4. Renerings are often deceiving because of the naturally ‘forced’ perspective. Sometime back someone posted the actual plans and cross sections through the new stadium. The roof extends further than it appears in the rendering. Tottenham Stadium is very much the same, and its roof covers the ENTIRE seating bowl.
  5. I’m dying to find out how you expect them to support a glass roof spanning an entire football field.
  6. Beer and beer essentials. Nice!
  7. The answer is yes…..but it would only be a guess in the dark.
  8. I have no idea why this is complicated or drama filled. Major League Baseball deals with this all the time in the playoffs since they don’t play in the rain. Just move the game to Monday.
  9. There’s already a game in the evening on Monday. It’s MLK Day and many people have the day off….and anyone traveling to and from Pittsburgh or anywhere would prefer the game be in the middle of the day. All of this is just too obvious and logical.
  10. And you know this because you own a Time Machine and have gone forward to see Sunday? 😉
  11. I’m sorry. We’ve already been told that unless the forecast comes from somebody in West Seneca, Hamburg or someplace closer to Orchard Park it can’t possibly be accurate. 😉
  12. Somebody has probably asked this but don’t they have to go through the motions of interviewing candidates?
  13. Huh? The game would be in the afternoon
  14. Monday is a Holiday. I cannot imagine a more opportune solution. Play the game at 1pm the next day. Problem solved.
  15. It’s a football game! This is NOT a life or death event. State of Emergency? You’ve gotta be kidding me. Heaven forbid people need to get to a hospital or fire/ambulances need to get to your house! Geeeez!
  16. That’s probably true, but not everyone. What somebody well said a few comments up the page is that NOBODY would/should go about planning an outdoor event in these conditions. Either the day or venue would be changed for EVERY OTHER such event ( wedding, concert, convention, etc.).
  17. People always ask architects about this. It really doesn’t work. Codes change. You’d end up wasting a ton of money on foundations, etc, only to find out that they longer ‘calc’ under the new Code. It’s generally easier to build a new independent structure over the top of the old one, like that did in Miami.
  18. Thank you Mr Commissioner. 😉
  19. Oh come on. You don’t think that ALL outlets have access to the local models? Of course they do. Now, that doesn’t mean they’re going to rely on them but I guarantee that they have the internet.
  20. I’m curious as to why you think that all outlets don’t have access to the internet. Does Donn Paul (whoever that is) have a REALLY tall stepladder facing west?
  21. If I’m the Buffalo Bills I’d rather play the Steelers on a neutral site, preferably indoors, when my roster is clearly stronger than Pittsburgh’s as opposed to having something as fickle as weather serve to level the playing field.
  22. No personal attack implied.
  23. With all due respect I really don’t think that’s the issue. I believe the consideration is that of general public safety, not home field advantage.
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