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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. CBS! You have to be kidding me! How the heck is this guy a rules expert! Just awful. 🤮
  2. He’s been hurting since the first quarter. I’ve noticed it every time he comes out. It’s his leg.
  3. They have to change the rules so the HC can challenge a penalty. They HAVE to.
  4. Excellent defense. Just like McD drew it up.
  5. Sure it does….the Chiefs just get three bye weeks. 😂 problem solved
  6. Throw the damn ball!!!!!!!!!
  7. This is so horrible for the NFL. Boring as all hell.
  8. He was on TV zooming an interview just the other night and I saw he had a Bills helmet behind him on his bookshelf
  9. Dean Cain
  10. Someone said the table is unfairly weighted because Josh has been the starting quarterback. Which got me thinking; how many of the 32 starting quarterbacks were drafted by their current team? Right off the top of my head it has to be a high percentage. No?
  11. So if I understand correctly you maintain that the NFL is trying to sell you food. What are you eating….Jerry? Rice? Hmmm?
  12. I’m not sure I understand. Can you repeat it?
  13. Keep us all updated. 😉
  14. My Southern California home is insured through USAA but I know for a fact that if I sell it and buy a new one, they will not provide me with a policy. Geeez!
  15. I apologize. I didn’t mean that you specifically said it was the only measure. My point is that there are different characteristics at almost every position. It’s up to the coaching staff to design an offense or defense that plays to their strengths.
  16. As Mike Tyson famously said “everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face”. What I saw from the Bills on Sunday was they had a plan even AFTER they got punched in the face. I’ve gotta believe that bodes well for them going forward.
  17. Gunner, people like to toss words around like ‘separator’ when describing receivers. But that’s clearly not the only way to distinguish yourself in the NFL. If as you say our guys were never separators, then what are they? And I’m assuming our coaches know what those strengths are and are designing an offense around them, no?
  18. On the other end of the spectrum did you see the Eagles receiver reading a self-help book on the sideline…during the game? I honestly thought I’d seen everything until then!
  19. How’s he supposed to step over him to get to his fans in the end zone? Low step on his chest?
  20. These discussions always seem to go to the extremes. It doesn’t have to be that way. The Bills could come to a compromise agreement with Cook to pay him a decent amount without breaking the bank. It takes BOTH sides to negotiate something that works for everyone.
  21. I obviously completely disagree. Hollins was trying to get to the end zone where he knew he’d get a reaction from the home town fans. It was his only catch of the game. He was NOT trying to show up or taunt the Denver defender.
  22. Any chance Kromer can take on Special Teams in his spare time? 😉
  23. I actually have less of a problem with the missed calls than I do with the ridiculous penalties that they DO call. The unsportsmanlike penalty against Hollins was ludicrous! Players do not care about some ticky tack nonsense that a middle aged part time insurance management dude thinks is important to whistle.
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