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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. The time outs at the end were a real head scratcher, and I said so at the time. I literally have ZERO idea what McD thought he was trying to do. Utter failure.
  2. I’m trying not be a homer but I agree. That was a pretty weak PI call. While it certainly looked like he was going to interfere with him, when you see the replay he did about as little as you can do on an underthrown jump ball. The NFL should really clean that up. The offense shouldn’t be rewarded for tossing up what is really just a prayer.
  3. That’s exactly why you fire the coach. It sends a message to the entire team, including the star QB.
  4. Bingo! We can all go back and forth all day long about different things that happened throughout the course of the game but football is a situational strategy game. It all comes down to what you do in the second half of the fourth quarter….and the Bills (McDs) defense has been nothing short of a situational disaster. They HAD TO get off the field on that last drive, and yet again, they couldn’t.
  5. Why did we take timeouts if we weren’t going to be making sure e had the correct personnel ready? What was the purpose? McD is totally in over his head. He REALLY has to go.
  6. Taking the timeouts was utterly ridiculous, and I was screaming at the time. McD is way over his head. I have absolutely no idea what he thought he was accomplishing. Brain dead.
  7. I guarantee you that I’m completely clear eyed. Off with his head!
  8. Most people forget, they also lost the Jets game.
  9. Can we at least fire the special teams coach? Horrible!
  10. The ONLY REASON the Broncos are in this game is because we keep giving them the ball back…..so what does Coach Moron do? He gives them the ball back. Fire him tonight!
  11. Hate to break it to you…..He definitely is one of them!
  12. All that’s left now is for one of the Bills to retire at halftime! Anybody wanna guess who’ll it be?
  13. Are there any weight machines in that new fancy training center? This team is incredibly soft. Sheeesh
  14. Another well prepared football team. Nice job McD!
  15. Correct! Unprepared. What would you call it? Prepared? 😂😂😂😂
  16. Excellent! Can we stop this nonsense now? Somebody needs to be gone. How about McD? Another horribly unprepared start.
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