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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. I’m not sure I knew at the time, but signing Von Miller appears to have been a huge mistake that’ll haunt the roster for some years to come.
  2. As of right now it looks to me like this roster has more holes than the draft picks and cap space that’ll be needed to fill them. They’re going to need a whole bunch of picks and free agents to pan out…in a hurry.
  3. It isn’t complicated. McD is the head coach of a team in a death spiral, and he appears to be completely without answers. Whether he’s involved or not involved it’s on HIM to have his team ready to play from the opening kickoff…and they definitely aren’t.
  4. The 2023 version of Josh is a total mental mess. You can over analyze it to death if you want, but it has all the signs of a guy who isn’t in the moment, in the moment. His head is clearly elsewhere.
  5. Very true, but as a leader you CAN take full responsibility. It’s a really rare quality these days. So many say that they ‘take full responsibility’ but very few people do. My point here is all about the timing. Dorsey didn’t lose that game. McD, Josh, and others did. So the temper tantrum impact on everyone else in the organization is to pull their heads in like turtles lest they be next. Not a good way to get people motivated going forward. McD is completely lost.
  6. Because both organizations are traditionally a mess….and it seems they still are.
  7. I completely understand but the lack of offense is NOT what lost the Broncos game. Turnovers and a string of really bad coaching decisions did. Josh and his group gave the ball away FOUR times at no fault of the offensive coordinator. Did I like Dorsey? Nope. But this week McD, or somebody higher, needed a scapegoat….and they found one.
  8. Hilarious! The Bills offense gives them a late lead with a touchdown scoring drive. The defense then proceeds to allow the Broncos to march down the field setting themselves up for the head coach and our special teams to make mind boggling mistakes thus losing a game, that while ugly, was in fact, already won! And what do we do? We fire the OFFENSIVE coordinator. The message of course being that by golly that offense is supposed to get us far enough ahead that even this brain dead head coach can’t screw it up. Sure….that sounds like a really well run organization. Give me a break!
  9. This happens in many companies: the new guy comes in and turns around a failing organization. Not that hard to do, as the organization was…failing! But when that new guy is tested by his own failure he doesn’t have the answers to make the necessary corrections. In short, McD is a one trick pony and his Process nonsense has run its course with the team. He has no answers.
  10. And your very keen observations beg the question why the heck isn’t the Bills offense constructed to take advantage of Allen’s threat to run? Why aren’t WE likewise putting defenders in the position to have to make a choice?
  11. Befuddled Bills Bamboozled Fans
  12. So long as McD is on the sideline making woefully ridiculous strategic decisions in crunch time NOTHING else matters….but I honestly love your optimism! Go Bills
  13. Has Fornette finished reading the playbook yet? Or does he have to start from Chapter One now with a new OC? 😂
  14. Wow! There’s no way I could’ve said it any better. I’d forgotten those recent examples. Reading the list makes me despise McD even more. He’s completely over his head at the NFL’s level of competition. His skill set as a head coach seems more fitting to a small, private, D3 College somewhere where he can shape the lives of challenged young men and guide them in the ways of The Process….or whatever.
  15. Is McD still going to be on the sideline? If so, then nothing will have changed. Firing the OC is almost surely going to make things worse, not better, for at least the next two games.
  16. Or how about we get a coach that gets the MOST out of his players instead of the LEAST? Hmmmm? How about we just try that first. 👍
  17. Okay already! I’ll do it. Begrudgingly, but I’ll do it. But this offensive coordinator gig better not interfere with my nap!
  18. All good observations but as I’ve been saying, why were the Bills doing ANY of that? None of it made any strategic sense at all! They didn’t have enough time outs to delay the Broncos and get the ball back. They saw that Denver was content where they were. And finally there was ZERO reason to sub anyone in at all! If the kicker misses the field goal, or if it’s blocked….you win! The Bills could’ve literally sat on their hands. Unbelievably poor game management on the part of McD. He should be gone!
  19. It’s back to the good old days when I could always count on the Bills to be listed ‘in the hunt’ while I’m making Thanksgiving dinner. A warm and comforting feeling for sure!
  20. Not so fast. The lame coaching staff had TWO timeouts to explain to their team what they wanted them to do. I’m guessing that they didn’t. McD is a moron.
  21. It didn’t work. The Broncos were NOT rushed getting the kicking team in position. They were in position and ready. The kicker just missed the kick. It happens. The Bills however WERE inexplicably rushed! Utter failure.
  22. You have gotta be kidding right? Several yards? Because their QB took a knee? The Broncos CONCEDED those yards freely! Sheeesh. If you’re taking time outs, the idea is to get YOUR OWN TEAM organized for the situation to come. Utter and complete failure.
  23. Well said…and I bet that we all knew it when Denver got the ball. I was screaming for Josh to slide at the one yard line!
  24. Don’t get me wrong, I think Dorsey and McD are both incompetent…but Josh Allen isn’t supposed to need great coaching at this point in the arc of his career. There’s nothing he shouldn’t have already seen on a football field. He’s either going to put this team on his back and will them to victory or he isn’t. Right now, he certainly looks like he isn’t.
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