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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Really poor tackling technique by these guys.
  2. Can we please fire the special teams coach? Please!
  3. And from what we can see, Von has literally no bend in his pass rush AT ALL.
  4. Nobody has any idea. Between the horrible television coverage and Romo rambling on about nothing….it’s impossible to watch this game.
  5. You’ll never know. The television coverage is horrible like always. Someone needs to teach these directors that there’s an actual game being played. Sheeesh
  6. I’d rather he got his head out of his arse.
  7. Josh Allen is terrible. What happened to this kid?
  8. Somebody please tell me when we get to the fair weather. I’ve seen lots of weather in my over 60 years of watching the Bills. I’m not sure how much of it would be categorized as fair. 😉
  9. In baseball they traditionally have a Closer who comes in from the bullpen; and recently they’ve experimented with an Opener who does the same. Is there any chance the Bills could do that with McD? Get a guy who can prepare the team to come out swinging, and another guy who’ll make the strategically correct decisions in crunch time. McD can coach the middle 56 minutes of the game. Problem solved. 😉
  10. I can’t recall exactly who it was but didn’t a QUARTERBACK recently start a game having had less than a week on a team? How complex is this offense? Or how dense is this running back?
  11. Exactly! Everybody WANTS TO win. The Bills problem, at least under McDermott anyway, is the their heads haven’t been in the moment, in the moment. Way, way, way too many foolish mistakes at crunch time. The really good teams and their coaches learn to stay focused at those crucial moments. It’s as if time stands still for them. There’s no pressure. No crowd noise. No thoughts about what happens if we fail. They’re simply undistracted. Very, very few people have that skill set. It is NOT luck!
  12. We’re all going to see. One thing I’ve learned is that some people are fixers, others are builders, and still others are resilient leaders, etc. The circumstances around McD have changed. The upward trend is definitely over! Can he adapt? Does he know what to do when the upward trend reaches its natural conclusion. You believe he will. I simple don’t.
  13. Thanks for the reasoned response. I don't spend much time thinking about why McDermott does what he does. Having watched the results, it seems like an utter waste of my time. I firmly believe it is time for the Bills to move on. Not because I think the Coach is a bad person, or because I don't think he's in large part gotten them where they need to go, but I have learned from my own professional experience that people simply plateau. I believe McD has reached that plateau and is completely out of ideas. Could he take some time somewhere on a beach and have some sort of an epiphany? Sure....business leaders do. But where the Bills are right now in the arc of Josh Allen's career I'm not sure their better wouldn't be to move on and get someone who already knows what to do. Will it work? Maybe. Maybe not. But McD has shown my next to nothing in the past two or three years now that makes me think a personal epiphany is in the works.
  14. Shaw….and I mean this will due respect…is there ANYTHING that McD does or can do that you won’t come on here and defend? Benching or not benching isn’t the point. The JOB of the head coach is to coach his players. I saw very little coaching in that move. Just another frustration tantrum by a guy who knows his days are numbered.
  15. A war of attrition. This is what the NFL has become.
  16. I make up stuff on here all the time! Where’s my thread? Hmmmm?
  17. So what you’re trying to say is it’s WAY past time for McD to be gone. Good….we agree. 👍
  18. We’ve all seen the results, but can you imagine where this team (and message board) would be if Josh got hurt on some meaningless run trying to pick up a yard or two. I can understand why the coaches have done what they’ve done….but the ‘gamble’ hasn’t paid off.
  19. I’ve often wondered why teams have to be so specific about injuries. Seems to me it just signals an unnecessary advantage to their opponents. For decades NHL teams have just listed things as upper body, etc.
  20. Having watched this mess for the last month I’m dying to hear the ‘better things’ you think the Bills staff have been doing. It sure hasn’t been preparing their team to play decent football.
  21. Here’s what we now know for sure….the London trip was NOT the problem. This team has major problems that have nothing to do with either jet lag or fish and chips.
  22. What are we doing here? You absolutely roll the dice and fire the Head Coach! Is it going to get the Bills where they want to go? Maybe, and maybe not….but we absolutely KNOW that the current guy isn’t going to do it. At least not with the current franchise QB. He’s already changed the OC…twice, the DC and just about everything else that can be changed. If all the money is invested in Josh Allen then you change the ONLY thing that hasn’t been changed yet….and that’s the Head Coach. Period!
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