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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Well said Gregg. Coach McD has clearly topped out, and he shows zero signs of changing. He makes the exact same strategic mistakes game after game. Thats a REAL problem because as the HC nobody is going to overrule him at those critical moments. You can have the best roster in the world, but if the Coach keeps ‘f’ing’ up in the final few minutes you’re going to look back say “woulda….coulda”. Time to thank him and move on! And after you do you’ll still have Josh Allen. So where’s the harm?
  2. I have never understood the seemingly blind loyalty of so many Buffalo fans. Maybe it’s true in all cities but it’s definitely so in WNY. I have absolutely no idea what people see from McD that gives even the slightest suggestion that he’s the guy who’ll take them to a championship. Whereas I’ve seen tons of evidence that he can’t. Wining a Super Bowl isn’t supposed to be like landing on Jupiter. One team does it every single year.
  3. And the last piece falls into place! Go Bills
  4. The problem with that particular set up on that particular play is you’d have to be The Flash to get to the QB in time to stop a three yard pass route. Even Romo said at the time ‘What the heck are the Bills doing?’ That situation had nothing to do with injuries to anyone. It was just an unbelievably poor defensive strategy when all the Eagles needed was a measly three yards. Again…..sheesh!
  5. Didn’t read through all of this but what McDs ‘strategy’ showed is that he has ZERO confidence in his Franchise QB to not turn the ball over with 20 seconds left. For that alone, he should be fired!
  6. I was flipping channels and saw last Sunday’s game was being replayed on NFL Network. When I joined it was the end of Eagles overtime drive. Literally the last minute of the game. The Eagles had a 3rd down on our 40 yard line and they picked up the easiest First down since kids starting playing in their backyard. McDs defense was playing ten yards off the line of scrimmage on a Third and Three. The receiver walked out, turned around, caught the ball and stepped out of bounds. I’d seen enough! Sheesh
  7. Scott…if you’re enough to be retired, you should be old enough to know how people will react if you toss the word ‘bro’ at others. With that said, I go back to my original comment….this team is unprepared and the throw to Davis is just another example, regardless of whose fault it is. As I’m sure you’ll agree, the real measuring stick is will anyone at OBD learn from these mistakes. I’m betting on not.
  8. Geez ‘Bro’! I simply disagree with you. That must happen from time to time. No? Now to answer your question it doesn’t mean we don’t need coaches but when you’re a veteran professional you better not be relying on coaches to teach you how to do sit-ups. I have no idea what profession you’re in but I bet you don’t have someone reminding you of basic skills and assignments you should have worked out with your teammates long ago. I’m praying you’re not a fireman! 😉
  9. I disagree on the Dorsey comment. These guys are supposed be professionals! This is not Pop Warner. Josh and Gabe have been together for YEARS!
  10. I look at it differently. This team is mentally soft. Time and time again they collapse when they should be stiffening in the moment. Time and time again this team looks completely unprepared to play a football game coming out of the locker room…in BOTH halves. Put all of that together and you know why fans are starting to believe it’s coaching. (I’ve known that for some time.)
  11. I’m sooo over this version of the Bills. These guys can’t hold a candle to the 90’s Teams. Back then you KNEW they’d find a way to win. Now you sit there KNOWING they’re going to ‘f’ it up.
  12. The fact that it’s anyone’s fault and not a walk in touchdown shows just where this team is right now. We are WAY beyond the time where these two veteran players are even talking about this. Way past!
  13. I didn’t listen to it. Does he mention me? I was sitting behind him on the plane to London. 😉
  14. There’s zero chance he gets fired if they make the playoffs. I’d love to know if ANY coach has ever been fired after finishing 5-0 and making the playoffs.
  15. They have to get intentional grounding figured out. Tom Brady ruined this rule for years.
  16. My concern with the deal was not about the possible impact of a player of his stature. My concern was locking him in for anything beyond a one year rental. I’m far from an expert on the subject of free agent contracts but it seems that this year’s Leonard Floyd deal is more appropriate.
  17. So it’s your opinion that in the face of an all out blitz, the QB is supposed to notice the ‘leverage’ of the cornerback? Okie dokie.
  18. The QB is NOT reading the leverage of the CB! He reads the safeties.
  19. Josh is NOT using instinct! He’s reading the defense! Every QB does on every play. What do you think they’re barking out at the line of scrimmage? Gabe is supposed to be doing the same.
  20. I’m no expert but the QB watches the safeties before the snap on EVERY passing play. When an all out blitz comes, the QB knows the safe place to throw the ball is over the middle, because there’s nobody there to intercept it. Why Gabe Davis doesn’t yet know that is beyond me!
  21. Championship? Right now I’d settle for just winning ONCE in overtime! Baby steps.
  22. All that’s left now is for a certain veteran poster to come on and tell us it doesn’t matter because McDs heart is in the right place.
  23. I’ll agree with a whole lot of that but when your offense gets you a lead in OT is it really too much to ask for the defense not to utterly collapse….again? Or for the Special Teams not to utterly collapse in OT in the Opener against the Jets?
  24. Have you been paying attention to the FBI these days? We’d be lucky if they could even find WNY! 😉
  25. I can rant with the best of them…just ask my wife…but Josh Allen has nothing to do with the Bills problems. EVERY team is searching for a franchise QB. And every team knows that once they sign one it’ll create significant challenges to their overall salary cap. The mistake the Bills front office made was, and still is, Von Miller. I wasn’t in favor of it then and I doubt anyone is now. It was a huge swing and miss. Period!
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