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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. I obviously disagree. Other players, either current or future, shouldn’t have their wages reduced because a guy who used to be on your team did something that was completely unrelated to football. That is not what the salary cap is there for.
  2. I find it comical that fans think a player’s career starts and ends on draft day. It doesn’t! It’s up to our highly compensated coaching staff to COACH these guys up to being the best they can be. In business I used to marvel at how a client/customer would select us for a contract presumably because they thought we were experts at what we do….but once hired they’d often treat us like we were morons.
  3. What inconsistency? The reason the Bills are where they are is because our defense has CONSISTENTLY failed to stop the opponent on the last drive of the game. Their record would be even worse if the Giants had gotten the PI call.
  4. “Assaulted with disappointment”. I’m going to have to remember that one. It’s almost as good as the poster who wants to see the Bills come out with “appropriate aggression”. Love it! 😉
  5. Maybe you misunderstood. My point is that if he’s gone through due process, it seems like that would void any impact on the team’s cap. Whereas his individual contract would depend on what the terms of that contract require.
  6. I don’t have the time to read through 63 pages so forgive me if this has already been mentioned. Seems to me the NFL needs to distinguish between the personal contract between Miller and the Bills and team’s cap mathematics. Put another way, they’ve signed a contract with Von that may guarantee him his money….but his conduct off the field should not handicap the remainder of the roster.
  7. While this topic seems comical at first glance one has to wonder if there’s an overarching trend lurking here. If you invest so much of your Cap into a Franchise QB you eventually find yourself in a bind if he goes down, or in Cap purgatory if he doesn’t. It’ll be interesting to see if 2023 is a tipping point.
  8. While I appreciate the optimism I’ve seen next to nothing that shows me the 2023 Bills are capable of running the table. Just enjoy the next few weeks for what they are.
  9. I think you’re watching with your Bills colored glasses on. Which I certainly understand.
  10. What? It was absolutely holding. Geeez people
  11. Incredibly impressed with Browning. That definitely wasn’t luck. That was skill, poise and preparation. Very well done. Great story.
  12. So that’s why they ran the ball on first down? Come on! These coaches are literally clueless.
  13. Isn’t that a penalty when you take your helmet off?
  14. True, but with the Bills designing a facility from scratch would it be that hard to have something close? (And isn’t Jacksonville getting a new one soon?)
  15. Hate to be that guy….but has anyone noticed the size of that video board in Jacksonville’s stadium? Sheeesh! In the few renderings we’ve seen of the new Bills stadium it won’t have anything even close.
  16. Not actual aggressiveness but ‘appropriate’ aggressiveness. That pretty much sums up the McD ere. 😉
  17. Is this the new NFL? These two quarterbacks are working on a 90% completion percentage for the entire first half. Geeeez!
  18. As another thread shows, the other teams all play at least one game against another of the contenders whereas the Bills don’t, so somebody is losing in those head to head games. With that said, the Bills are going to have to run the table unless a couple of the other teams totally collapse. It’s just math.
  19. I said it during the game, and I’m not sure if it was the reason, but I noticed that Cook changed his gloves after dropping that pass in the rain. It’s possible that they played a factor.
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