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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Please fire McD at halftime! We know how this ends.
  2. I’m sure there’s certainly some of that, but I’m not so sure that works at the corporate box level.
  3. My post was simply about the relative state of the WNY economy relative to luxury boxes, property values, etc in other areas of the country. I’m confident the Bills have done the feasibility studies or they wouldn’t be moving forward but it’s definitely going to be a challenge.
  4. Were we burned out when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?
  5. It is not at all unusual to see unexpected costs early in a construction project. Mostly because of unanticipated conditions on the site and secondarily due to the design being better vetted by the hundreds of contractors now coming on board.
  6. Thanks for sharing! They’re much further along than I thought. Still hard to understand why the Bills organization isn’t showing off more of it. Fans only get to see this process once, maybe twice in their lifetimes.
  7. I’m looking at the remainder of this season with zero expectations. It’s quite nice really.
  8. Huh? We’re not talking about ‘having an issue’. We’re talking about being convicted of a felony. How many players are going to voluntarily commit a felony? Answer….very few, if any, ever.
  9. When you boil it down Josh’s rushing touchdowns are essentially the difference in points scored by the Bills and Chiefs this season.
  10. Isn't it possible that Von simply needs a 'personal' day? I'm not sure how I would deal with it if this was going on around me.
  11. Agreed....but I still have to tread very lightly. As I and others have said, an allegation is NOT a conviction of anything.
  12. I am employed hundreds of people for many years. What they were doing in their personal lives was none of my business, and I really wasn’t able to ask them or my HR Department. I can understand how this gets really challenging for everybody involved.
  13. Thats where this becomes a public relations issue and not a criminal justice issue. The short answer is…if you don’t want to cheer for him, don’t.
  14. We seem to be having a lot of confusion about how our criminal justice system works. Being arrested and arraigned does not make you guilty of anything. It’s just a step in our process.
  15. I am not torn. Let’s say Josh Allen (heaven forbid) is convicted of killing somebody in a drunk driving incident. Should the Bills be banished into Cap oblivion for the next half decade or more? Why? What he did was not at all associated with the Buffalo Bills. And….id say the same no matter whose team he played for.
  16. I apologize. I’m not trying to put things in your mouth. I just see a huge distinction between football risks (injuries, poor performance, etc) and something that has nothing to do with football. Remember, the cap is the maximum an Owner can pay. Theres no minimum. So in this case Pegula could say ‘I’ve invested enough in employee salaries already, so I’m not going to backfill the hole”. And as I said, there’s nobody who is going to get convicted of a crime so as to benefit their former employer.
  17. Ugh. So it’s your opinion that players will purposely try and get convicted of crimes so as to mess with their teams cap? These are not football related crimes, and should be outside of the cap….no matter what team it is. And to suggest that the Owners would be against it is presumptuous. All Owners want to win in a highly competitive business. None of them want to be handicapped because an employee committed a crime while at home.
  18. Simple. If you have a guy taking money out of the cap, that means other players can’t earn that money. That’s what a CAP is.
  19. The one I find comical is saving $165k by trading Elam. What are they getting for him? A gently used three hole punch from some other team? 😂
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