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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Is it me? If so, nobody has called, texted, or emailed.
  2. I’m not sure if he’s our ‘best weapon’ but I’d like to see the Bills start trusting the new guys a bit more. They’ve relied on Diggs and Davis, and Knox for years now…and for good reason. But…it’s time for the natural evolution to Shakir, Kincaid, and someone else (draft pick?) going forward.
  3. I worked in a highly competitive field in which multi million dollar / multi-year contracts were awarded after an extensive RFP, proposal, and interview process which was all conducted in a matter of three to four weeks; and that was with there being literally dozens of qualified submissions. Believe me, this can be done quickly.
  4. My clarification is that no team is allowed to INTERVIEW a candidate until after the Super Bowl. Seemed like you were saying they couldn’t HIRE one until after. Maybe I misunderstood.
  5. Why not just wait until AFTER the Super Bowl to open the interview window? If a team can’t find a new coach in the entire month of February they have more problems than coaching. It’s not like there are that many candidates out there.
  6. Don’t look now but the Bills are a 10 point favorite on Sunday.
  7. With all of that refusing to lose stuff having been said is it too much to ask that we also try refusing to give the ball away? It’d surely help! (And don’t call me Shirley)
  8. Not everyone lives where the team they want to watch plays! And I don’t want to have to order a stupid service for one lousy three hour program. Outrage? You betcha!
  9. It’s not about the money! There are actually people who don’t have access to streaming. Geeeez
  10. Did anyone notice/hear Diggs and Josh telling each other “four more” as they hugged following the game last night? I was impressed that they demonstrated that mind set….and they did it with hands clasped over their mouths as if they didn’t want anyone outside the inner circle to know that’s the way they’re thinking.
  11. I totally agree! I just want to watch the playoffs! This is rapidly heading towards Pay Per View like boxing….which I refuse to watch. PS: Goodell is a jerk.
  12. It’s been very effective for sure. Something happened on the failed 3rd down attempt. Josh appeared to change his mind at the line of scrimmage and essentially double pumped the snap thus throwing off the timing of the whole play. Not sure what he saw that caused him to veer right instead of left. I’m guessing he thought they’d gone to the well too many times (like a penalty kicker in soccer).
  13. I was really debating the merits of a field goal attempt there. You lose seven yards on the spot but could’ve put it away right there. It was a coin flip to me.
  14. What bothered me, and I’ll never understand why teams do it, is that they bunched up our entire offense in the middle of the field. Seems to me that only serves to bring the defense in as well…and it did. If you’re going to do that, seems like the better thing would be to go wide on the play with a pitch or bootleg.
  15. Quick…..Somebody drive over to the construction site and see if those guys can get those infamous wind confusers erected by this Sunday.
  16. One game at a time. There's no way to predict what will happen in the playoffs from week to week. With the exception of the Bills, of course, I’m generally going to root for the road team to upset the home team and throw a monkey wrench into the entire seeding.
  17. Do we activate Shorter shortly? Or did we already? Thought I saw something about it last week.
  18. Sarcasm must not translate exactly down under.
  19. I honestly give all rookies a bit of a pass at this point in the NFL season. The professional year has to be utterly exhausting for them. They’re not used to playing anywhere near this number of games.
  20. Not when the backyard was covered in snow! So…..I moved. 😎
  21. Absolutely….but did it FEEL that dominant to you while you were watching? That sure wasn’t the story being told by the announcers!
  22. Not to mention an abundance of critical third down penalties being called on the opposite side of the field from the play.
  23. Four away games are in domes. I think I like that.
  24. Crazy right? Even with the turnovers it still didn’t feel that way. I think the announcers were too busy yapping to even notice.
  25. What a wild game. So I went to the NFL site to see how things got to where it all ended up and I honestly couldn’t believe the Team Stats. The Bills literally doubled up the Dolphins in almost every meaningful category (plays, yards, time of possession). Watching the game, it sure as heck didn’t feel that way and we still needed a 96 yard punt return to flip the script.
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