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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. People always ask architects about this. It really doesn’t work. Codes change. You’d end up wasting a ton of money on foundations, etc, only to find out that they longer ‘calc’ under the new Code. It’s generally easier to build a new independent structure over the top of the old one, like that did in Miami.
  2. Oh come on. You don’t think that ALL outlets have access to the local models? Of course they do. Now, that doesn’t mean they’re going to rely on them but I guarantee that they have the internet.
  3. I’m curious as to why you think that all outlets don’t have access to the internet. Does Donn Paul (whoever that is) have a REALLY tall stepladder facing west?
  4. If I’m the Buffalo Bills I’d rather play the Steelers on a neutral site, preferably indoors, when my roster is clearly stronger than Pittsburgh’s as opposed to having something as fickle as weather serve to level the playing field.
  5. With all due respect I really don’t think that’s the issue. I believe the consideration is that of general public safety, not home field advantage.
  6. My news feed says there’s serious talk about moving the game to Cleveland. Are they saying the same back in WNY?
  7. It’s not his leg strength. But….he appears to have developed a serious slice in his stroke. I’m no kicking expert but I sure hope he’s working with someone who can help him fix that.
  8. What this actually reminds me of is the Comeback Year. The Bills looked like they’d missed their window and had an injured starting quarterback but a miracle comeback against the Oilers propelled them to their third straight Super Bowl coming out of an AFC that wasn’t at a high point.
  9. Let me explain this again. These type of walk throughs are VERY easy to create. Once the Architects complete the computer model of the stadium they can literally select any path you’d like to move around inside the model. The only post-production added to the path are the people, trees, etc (known as ‘entourage’ in rendering vernacular). With that said, why the Bills have chosen not to release any is beyond me. The only thing I can think of is they’re trying to oversell the interior finishes until all the construction contracts are finalized. If they’re going to cut corners at this point in the process it’ll be in the finishes.
  10. Heat lamps? We used to walk uphill both to and from the Rockpile!
  11. I’m guessing that without the streaming exclusivity ($) on the game the NFL asked the players to cut back on the number of balls used. Every little bit helps!
  12. So if I understand the pattern, NFC teams would be eligible to host an international game because next year they each have an extra home game. (Jacksonville being the obvious exception.)
  13. The writing was on the wall when the camera caught him on the sideline of the last Bills game without the hoodie. 😳 That was not a good look!
  14. That’s all logical, but whether intentional or not, there shouldn’t be ANY advantage given when you commit a penalty….especially when it’s been declined. And for what it’s worth, the NFL shouldn’t be in the business of creating close finishes.
  15. Well said Shaw, and I’d ad the core problem is that as the rule apparently stands the trailing team is incentivized to purposefully commit a foul in order to stop the clock. That’s obviously a problem for player safety.
  16. That definitely needs to be changed next year. It makes zero sense to stop the clock which by declining it, essentially means it never happened.
  17. So the question is where are the Bills in that 18 year coaching window? We’re 6 years in, I guess? I’ll circle back in 2036 to see how it all panned out.
  18. Much of my outlook for this team changed AFTER the game on Sunday night, when I saw/heard Diggs and Josh say “four more” to each other as they hugged on the field. It was at that point that I finally felt that the players themselves understand the opportunity ahead of them. Until then these guys quite frankly looked like a group that was often just going through the motions of yet another season.
  19. An in-person interview consumes an entire day or two if your current position is on the opposite coast. Plane flight, hotel, plane flight. It’s no different from any other business trip. It’s really disruptive in a week where you have at most six days to prepare for a playoff opponent.
  20. As I mentioned in another thread, the NFL definitely needs to fix that next year. You shouldn’t be able to stop the clock by committing a penalty, and especially so if the opponent declines the penalty!
  21. The NFL is definitely not the real world.
  22. Speaking of being inactive….there was a player on our sideline wearing a red sweatshirt. On one play I noticed Tyreek Hill run out of bounds on our side of the field and as he came back on the field Hill acknowledged the guy, and was laughing with him. Anyone know who that was?
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