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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Still endlessly rambling on about Trump. It’s definitely a sickness.
  2. Seriously dude, you want to have a serious conversation with BillSy…quoting…you! 😉
  3. Still not sure where you think this is going. ‘Out your children’? So is it abuse or bullying…it’s something you BELIEVE will lead to abuse and bullying? Again, I’m more than willing to have a grown up discussion here but I’m honestly not following you.
  4. I’m sorry…but I read it a couple of times and I’m not sure what you’re reading into it. Not trying to be jerk here but I’m not getting what you believe you’re seeing there.
  5. No…I have to admit that I didn’t. Your concern is what exactly?
  6. I’ve never watched/heard Rogan’s podcast but I’ve been told he’s ‘promoting’ the Scientific Method in which scientists study and discuss hypotheses in an open forum. You on the other hand seem to ‘promote’ the Chinese model in which the powerful tell you which hypothesis must be believed…with no questions asked.
  7. Think about it….if natural immunity isn’t an effective deterrent then you believe we’re going the way of the dinosaurs? (Speaking as a fully vaccinated person)
  8. So let’s talk. You actually believe someone, anyone, on here or anywhere is going to say it’s okay. I’m sorry if you were bullied but of course it’s not okay. More importantly I’m assuming you believe the System is officially bullying them? Not kids on the playground? Because if it’s the latter, that’s been happening to everyone since there’s been playgrounds.
  9. I’ve posted this before: science is a process not a product. Or did you miss that in seventh grade?
  10. Is there something you need to get off you chest? It seems as though this topic has touched your nerve. It’s OK, you’re among friends here. Put down the hair on fire outrage. Let’s talk.
  11. I’m old enough to remember when all the drugs just made them really, really mellow. I liked the classic peace loving, bra burning, draft dodging liberals way better than the current cranky model.
  12. So HERE the response actually fits ….triggered much?
  13. Hard to imagine it would ever make sense to type this…but sadly it’s now The Hunger Games up there.
  14. “Dark” money? Is that a racial slang? Watch it Billsy…you’re going to get banned by the moderators. Next thing we know you’ll be flashing the OK sign.
  15. Wait….Canada is an actual country? Since when? (I just looked it up and apparently you’re right. Go figure!)
  16. No worries Niagara…gets a bit confusing on here. Almost ruined my entire day of surfing. (.kidding on the surfing part…and a bit on the ruined day) Keep on stamping out the insurrection against those in power everywhere you find it.
  17. In these very troubling times a lone but prophetic figure will arise to guide the people back from the brink of war….he/she is of course…Kamala Harris! 😳
  18. Hard to believe the hippie Left has grown up to approve of the trampling of peaceful protestors. It’s honestly shocking! Where’s Jane Fonda when we need her?
  19. Any of you ever hear about the California Aqueduct? Hint: It already exists! Next.
  20. Anyone who thinks this is about getting a shot of a vaccine that barely works against a virus is a fool!
  21. Fun fact: (not sure if it’s true but it’s what I always heard) If you drained the Great Lakes they would flood the ENTIRE lower forty eight United States under one foot of water.
  22. You’re welcome. I’m here for you dude! 👍
  23. Or…they could’ve just held the Chiefs receivers at the line of scrimmage in the last thirteen seconds, without a single roster move. 😉
  24. I can take it or leave it but he does have some decent comedians on there from time to time. The dead pan, soft spoken comic is hilarious. I think he says he’s from Alaska…is that the guy you’re talking about? Edit: just looked him up…that’s him 👍
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