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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. You guys can flame on that stat all you want but not punting in two straight games is really pretty amazing.
  2. He’s already gone. Just mailing it in play after play then a costly offside. Classic…sit him down.
  3. Can anyone tell me why Jerry Hughes is still on this football team?
  4. Just upgrade the O Line in the draft and get a new O Line coach. It'll pay way higher dividends in the long run.
  5. Can’t blame ya there Tibs. I never wanted to deal with the late night calls to fix a clogged toilet. 😳
  6. It’ll be an embarrassing footnote, that’ll be exploited for decades to come by the Left and their media minions. Can you say…Kwanzaa?
  7. I think I speak for EVERYONE when I say….rats! Apparently 2022 will not be the long awaited cure for your delusional Trump fixation.
  8. This is it. This is the time. There are ‘fair shots’, otherwise known as JOBS open all over America! If people are going to get in the game…do it now!
  9. I love the smell of redistribution in the morning! Hilarious. What a cesspool of woke clowns.
  10. Happy New Year Just to be clear, I work in a profession where results are not only required but measurable. My practice isn’t ‘diverse’ because it’s chasing some PC box to check. The only thing we’re actively participating in is providing exceptional service for our clients. Period.
  11. Still winning….you’re…still losing. Better luck in the coming year. 😉 Go Bills
  12. Another classic retort from the resident delusional idiot. Let’s hope you have more to offer in 2022. You’re finishing 2021 with a whimper.
  13. Sure…I’m assuming that’s what the delusional obsessed Trump hater believes the last President did. There’s clueless….and then there’s you! Way to go Brandon. Way to hand out those Trump vaccines! 👍👍👍
  14. That’s Joe’s plan? It took him a year to create a webpage? He must’ve gotten help from Dr Jill. Nice job Joe! Way to go!
  15. I work with people who work in the various departments within the State of California. These nitwits have not been back in their offices since March 2020 and they’re all fully vaccinated! These are office workers. Needless to say, they are getting very little work done, but still collecting a full paycheck. Shameful.
  16. And just like that…the entire northeast cares what happens in the Bills game. Go figure?
  17. A classic series of texts between me and my son in law that day: First…”Dalton stinks!” And then just a few seconds later…”Andy Dalton is the best QB EVER!” I’ll never forget it…smiling from ear to ear the rest of the night.
  18. Maybe he has a case of Covid and is quarantined like he should so as to reduce the spread to people in his family and social circle. Once again PROVING you simply don’t understand ANYTHING.
  19. So let me get this straight…your solution to overcoming the scourge of white racism is having ‘people of color’ vote based on …wait for it….their SKIN COLOR? You don’t see the irony here? Really?
  20. Thanks…I almost forgot….you’re also the King of Worthless Memes. Congratulations!
  21. BILLSTIME: The world’s greatest delusional idiot calling everyone else a delusional idiot.
  22. You really don’t understand anything going on in your world….do you?
  23. Wait….I thought QUEBEC was going to become its own country. May I suggest you take the plank out of your own eye first? 😂😂😂
  24. Inform me. And as you get started please take into account I have two black business partners who grew up in COMPTON. Now, go ahead and tell me, and them, all about ‘diversity’ and ‘disadvantage’ challenges. Give me a break!
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