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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Go ahead and do whatever you'd like up in Canada. We'll run on our country down here Niagara....but thanks for your constant, albeit very curious concern.
  2. The bigger question is why you presume all people of a particular skin color or ethnicity should vote as a block. Don't you see how utterly racist that is?
  3. Having watched the Browns sleep walk through the game last night there’s no chance they’re beating anyone on Sunday. They are done.
  4. No? Really? You mean you don’t give cancer drugs to people who don’t have cancer?
  5. We know exactly where Joe’s been during the recent surge in the virus he promised to end. He’s been out potty training his new puppy. Classic! Way to take responsibility Joe! Way to put your back into it. Pathetic career bureaucrat.
  6. So after the opening touchback, the receiving team snaps the ball on first down and then stands there for fifteen minutes while the defense stands there staring at them. The quarter expires on a kneel down. The teams switch ends of the field and do it again until halftime? Second half....rinse and repeat. The game will be over in a little over an hour. The halftime studio analysis will be priceless. Only to be topped by the Sideline Reporter's in depth coaches comments on second half 'adjustments'. Hilarious!
  7. I'd think that gambling was a much bigger concern than drinking. There's drinking going on in every major city. (New Orleans, Miami, Nashville....dare I say....BUFFALO)
  8. Very well said. I’d suggest that’s it’s simpler than that. If you’re trying to ‘fundamentally transform America’ there’s simply no room, space, or time for voices and opinions that deter you from that central goal. Period!
  9. The judge has the power to send someone to PRISON and you’re concerned about whether they called someone a name? 🙄
  10. Uncle Joe: You thought I meant the CURRENT virus? Oh no, I’ve got no plan for that one.
  11. They used to be the party of working people and free speech…but that ship sailed long ago. It’s honestly fascinating to see where they’ve ended up.
  12. In any case, there are going to be some really interesting story lines, including…. Home rematch of the Wind Bowl? At the Music City Miracle? Rematch at KC? Rematch of the Iggy Shuffle AFC championship game?
  13. You have to wonder having gone to the University of Houston, how much cold weather experience does he have back there? Anyone know?
  14. So…in this scenario the Bills host and beat NE before heading to Nashville and THEN…the rematch in KC. Yes?
  15. Not so fast. ‘Abuse’ a website by expressing an opinion…when the entire business plan of the website is built upon people expressing their opinions?
  16. So in that scenario the Bills host Indy and then would go to Nashville assuming the Patriots beat the Bengals. Then, the rematch in KC.
  17. I see. So in Tibs world a business can say we don’t like the things you think or say so we’ll refuse service to you. Does that go for a restaurant? How about a car dealership? How about the power company?
  18. You can look at one game but in reality the Bills lost FOUR games where they had the ball in their hands, inside the opponent’s territory and couldn’t finish it. Let’s hope they got that out of their system!
  19. No crying here Billsy. Just making an observation. Good to know where you stand on this topic.
  20. Excellent. At least I know you’re solidly on the side of censorship. You’ll make a great Communist!
  21. OMG…yes! If you didn’t have a mental illness prior to seeing that annoying public service ad, you did for sure after watching it twenty times in a couple of hours!
  22. I didn’t ask if they have the right. I asked if you thought it was a good thing. Do you think it’s a good thing to silence and/or censure elected officials? Hmmm?
  23. And you believe that a private company silencing and censoring elected officials is a good thing?
  24. He must’ve gotten a new Magic 8 Ball for Christmas.
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