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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. He’s as fixated on Putin as Billsy is on Trump. Where did all of the peace loving liberals go? This new version of the Left is ………deplorable. 😉
  2. Nobody’s excuses anyone, nor have they been for countless pages….and yes you’re being an ass if you keep saying that they are.
  3. Why do come on here and act like an ass? It’s impossible to have discussions if you’re going to keep this up.
  4. I don’t think they call it murder during a war….but I’ll join you in your hopeful optimism. You don’t happen to sell weapons for a living do you?
  5. The Left got exactly what they wanted. Uncle Joe is in control now. I’m going to sit back and see what he does. But…this nonsense where you blame your predecessor is just ridiculous! Get to work Joe…..we’re all watching.
  6. I’ve never understood this discussion. If you don’t want taxpayers to spread out the cost of the stadium then you better be prepared to pay a BOATLOAD of money to see a live football game. Now, that’s a perfectly legitimate position to take but I think it’s really odd to see it on a message board devoted to football fans.
  7. Seems simple then. Let's get a Constitutional Amendment authored, voted on and signed. I suggest the following: "Listen Guys: If a country anywhere on the planet has their 'democracy' threatened.....it's BOMBS AWAY!" You'all can add your tweaks.
  8. Now THAT made me laugh. 👍Keep your sense of humor Tibs. And remember we’re talking about war here. Really young men on both sides are going to be sent off to die because really old men can’t work out their problems. Pathetic.
  9. Actually, no. I want the Biden Administration to get to work! For starters, if they’re really serious, you definitely do NOT send Kamala over there to do whatever she thought she was doing. Wake up!
  10. Honestly, I’d rather have our current roster. Toss in a two or three draft picks and we’ll be fine.
  11. Ugh….those opposed to the war you’re apparently dying to see play out have suggested a number if things that would’ve ‘hurt’ Putin. But since the current administration has done none of those things, now you want to send Americans to die? That’s your point? Again, really? Really?
  12. Tibs…has ANYONE on here said anything positive about Putin? Those of us who don’t want to get embroiled in an Eastern European war aren’t fans of Vladimir. We just don’t want to go to war in the Ukraine. You seriously don’t get that? Seriously?
  13. All of this has gotten completely out of hand. Have you noticed how up in Canada they’re trampling on people, both physically and financially, over the authority to stomp out a supposedly contagious virus and the entire confrontation is being played out on the street in face to face ‘combat’ where NEITHER SIDE appears to be the slightest bit concerned about catching the virus? No masks. No distancing. No sanitizer. Unbelievable! WTF is going on here?
  14. Isn’t that exactly what that federal agent was caught on tape doing in the streets on January 6th? Is he also under arrest? The hypocrisy is off the charts these days.
  15. What now? We already know what Trump would do! He was President for FOUR YEARS..not fifteen minutes! We wouldn’t be in this situation. Almost forty pages now devoted to another Biden mess.
  16. So you're saying The Virus has mutated...again? "AudioCron" Somebody better start stocking the stores with earplugs!
  17. You're all going to have catch me up....all of this Government heavy handed clamp down is about The Virus, right? I'm really confused....'cuz I don't remember seeing doubled up surgical masks on all the Police Officers while they were repeatedly clubbing the journalists covering the protest.
  18. Slight correction....most sane people have come to understand it was a protest that was purposely allowed to go too far.
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