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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Maybe but I don’t think $1,000 is going to get people the kind of amenities you think it will.
  2. That’s exactly what I’m reading thru the tea leaves of the many responses and would seem most appropriate for WNY
  3. Thanks but I didn't say anything about why "they" were building it. What I said was it appears that a cheap, functional dome is the general consensus of what the customers want.
  4. I understand this message board represents only a small subset of the overall Bills Community, but it seems like a 'cheap dome' is the preferred solution. A cheap dome is an indoor venue that doesn't care all that much about high-end amenities, but instead provides the basics for fan support (restroom, concessions, etc.) and one that provides for a tailgate experience in the surrounding proximity....whether Downtown or in Orchard Park. Seems pretty simple really....but once constructed everyone cannot come back and complain for the lack of bells and whistles. Does such a stadium already exist? Yes, having watched a number of bowl games over the holidays, it seems like there a few examples throughout the country that offer a scaled down indoor experience.
  5. You forgot to mention the opposition to Baseball, Hot Dogs, and Apple Pie. Insurrectionist bastards!
  6. How do know Mr Rove was talking about the people in that picture?
  7. I’m sorry to be that guy but Ed Oliver hasn’t lived up to anywhere near his draft level. That doesn’t mean he isn’t playing well this year or isn’t a nice guy but he’s not been the impact player you’d expect from a guy picked that high. (Of course he doesn’t choose when he’s picked so is it really his ‘fault’?)
  8. Happy Festivus Everyone! And now it's time for the airing of grievances. Oh wait...I forgot that's not allowed. Can someone please put the aluminum pole back in the crawlspace?
  9. I am indeed a good dude. This pandemic has been a horror show of poor messaging. We're all now seeing the mess that social media has wrought upon us all. Nobody trusts anyone about anything anymore. Is one side to blame? No, one side is not to blame! Notwithstanding a few obvious bomb throwers, this is all due to a bunch of politicians who've figured out that if it bleeds, it leads, and thus have benefited from the hysteria that comes along with this approach to governance. Toss in the media, and you have the makings of a cluster____.
  10. So you want to criminalize this now? Once again, you seem to have a ton of opinions about what your neighbors to the south are doing. Whatever your experiences are in Canada, and I'm sure they are 100% true, are not our experiences down here in the Lower 48 . Now keep in mind, I am both vaccinated and boosted, but just to go down your list. The 18 month old is sad, but in what way is that related to someone who is unvaccinated? The knee replacement that was canceled... I'm assuming was in Socialized Medicine Canada. The cancer surgery that was postponed is just plain stupidity on the part of the Hospital. The job that was lost? Again, in what way is that related to someone who is unvaccinated? It seems to me that EVERY SINGLE EXAMPLE that you cite are all due to a piss-poor reaction by the Government sector. What sort of Government keeps liquor stores and Burger King open, while canceling surgeries?
  11. It's not as much of a mess as people would like it to be, or think that it is. The human race has been around for thousand of years prior to vaccines. Up until now these pandemics have just naturally burn themselves out without much being done about them by humans. It's only in the 21st Century that we've started to think we can control everything from a virus to planetary temperatures.
  12. So is CNN going to do a special on the group of Leftist knuckle heads who attacked the White House last year....or is that a date that doesn't matter because there was a Republican living in that building? Was that insurrection not a threat to democracy?
  13. Once again… EVERYONE that I know that’s gotten the virus in the last week was fully vaccinated and many were also boosted. What planet is the President on?
  14. Thanks. So where are the videos of the people leaving? I’m guessing it was pretty peaceful and orderly, but since they won’t show them to us we can only guess. There has to be some cell phone footage around.
  15. Great write up Virgil. Please don’t stop. It’s a really long season. Maybe you just need a second bye week. Might I suggest that Week 18 against the last place Jets would be a great time for a well deserved break…then we’ll see you in the playoffs! Go Bills PS: Great observations on Edmunds.
  16. I’m feeling very much like I did the last Super Bowl year. Going into the playoffs that year I felt they’d gotten there on borrowed time. I feel just like that this year. My expectations are low, but I’m happy they have a punchers chance. Who knows, they went all the way to Atlanta that fourth year.
  17. An army of disabled people attacked the Capitol? That’s a new one.
  18. People..the name of the architectural firm that prepared the renderings is right on the rendering. They’re a firm that specializes in stadiums. You can look them up. I’m sure SOMEONE gave them SOME direction.
  19. Chuck Schumer? You have really got to be kidding us all now! What a POS!
  20. They obviously didn’t need arms to get in. The REAL question is what made them leave? Could it be they accomplished their goal? If so, it clearly wasn’t to overthrow the government.
  21. So you’re saying President Trump stopped it? Can you PLEASE tell BillStime? We’d all appreciate getting our message board back! 👍
  22. I’m prone to ask obvious questions: If the Capitol riot was truly an insurrection meant to overturn an election…why didn’t it? What stopped it? Why did everyone just go home? Hmmmm? Could it be this was just of upset citizens tired of being ignored? And just wanting to make a point?
  23. We definitely agree on this one Tibs. It was only recently that people have noticed the media bias. The bias was there all along, but when independent media sprang up the Main Stream Outlets went even further Left, and now we've completely jumped the shark.
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