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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Time to buy a mirror ‘sparky’. You can toss the word triggered around like you own it, but in reality……you don’t.
  2. I’d put a more laser focus on it. Nancy Pelosi is the issue. She simply has to be removed as Speaker this Fall. She’s become a vindictive old hag and needs to be retired. It’s way past time that the House started working for the People instead of simply trying to beat up on the other side of the aisle.
  3. Wait….did he take his jersey and pads off? Because if he didn’t take any clothes off then it’s not REAL sideline drama. 😂
  4. Or maybe the fans can stay out of the business of a winning football team? How would any of you like it if your every move on the job was being scrutinized by people in the cheap seats? Even the moves you make when you’re NOT on the job or just complaining to your supervisor?
  5. The Bills were built to get to the Super Bowl not the Pro Bowl. I’m fine with the players that were selected and haven’t watched the pro bowl in many years. I’m happy that I’m sitting here thinking about the playoffs and NOT thinking one bit about the pro bowl.
  6. Daboll needs to stop with the cute stuff. I cannot wait until he’s gone.
  7. And peaceful protestors don’t burn cities and loot liquor stores. Next!
  8. I disagree. You’re using the wrong measuring stick. If they aren’t going to sell out when the team has now repeatedly made the playoffs, was a preseason super bowl favorite and has a young franchise QB, then it’s clearly something else that’s making people stay home. It’s not the ticket prices. They’re the lowest in the league. I’m guessing it’s not the disappearance of the Jills. It’s the weather conditions. The goal of Ownership is to fill seats. The dome is the answer. No brainer.
  9. Those attendance figures are just screaming for a dome. Fans aren’t not going because the team stinks or because the tickets are too expensive…it’s the weather! I have no idea why the Bills would toy around with anything other than a simple dome in OP.
  10. I agree, but retractable domes are somewhat old school already. With the new glazing technology they can get tons of natural light in the stadium without the expense and maintenance of the motors, etc. Check out both Minneapolis and Los Angeles as just the latest examples.
  11. And may I ask then why are you ‘triggered’ by someone being triggered? Hmmm? 😉
  12. I honestly don’t see why this would the slightest bit controversial. Neither team is purposefully losing. They are both trying to make the playoffs with ZERO risk. How is that not the goal from the start of training camp? I say…play for the tie! Screw the Shield.
  13. And the really funny part is NOW they claim wanted Trump to have 'done something' to stop it....when you'll recall they called it a photo-op when he walked out with a Bible in a show of solidarity to protect another historic landmark....the White House...from the BLM Domestic Terrorists who were violently attacking the Police and building itself. This level of utter hypocrisy doesn't pass even the weakest of smell tests!
  14. Wait a minute! You mean the season already started? Can someone fill me on what’s happened so far? Feel free to just give me the highlights.
  15. If the State of NY along with the Owner can’t pool their collective resources to construct a simple dome stadium on property they already own and with virtually no additional infrastructure costs to bear…there’s really something WRONG!
  16. Right! It’d be way more believable if he’d gone pee pee on a bed in Russia with imaginary hookers!!
  17. How many times are we going to go over this? The President does NOT write legislation! The Congress has to bring the legislation to his desk to sign. Your complaint (while somewhat valid) is really with the Republican Congress that held the majority at that time. The fact that Trump was not able to coax legislation out of that Congress is a strike against him, but I contend it says way more about the impotence of the House and Senate than it does of the Executive Branch.
  18. They have the ultimate red zone weapon: an athletic running QB. And yet Daboll has no clue how to use that to his advantage. You roll Josh out and make the defender choose between coming up to stop the run or sticking with the receiver. If chooses the run you flip it to the open TE or RB. If he chooses the receiver, Josh walks into the end zone. It is NOT rocket science!!
  19. Nope…I really don’t like it. Sixteen games was more than enough and an odd number means half the teams play more home games than road games. I would’ve just added a second bye week. The entire nation would all still watch football during the bye, so it doesn’t seem like revenue would be impacted and the players would get an extra week to heal.
  20. Remember what Mr Obama said: We need to fundamentally transform America. He wasn’t kidding. It’s just that very few people knew what he meant or intended.
  21. Once again proving that you simply do not know how the federal government works. But go ahead, keep up the rage.
  22. Can we just go back to the more traditional forms of Insurrection where it comes from within the halls of government itself! You know the good 'ol days when members of congress would boycott a duly elected President's inauguration. Or where members of congress would run on the platform of going to Washington to "impeach the Mother F%$Eer". Or the kind where the losing candidate would sit back quietly all the while knowing SHE had funded a hit piece that would result in a fake impeachment proceeding. Or the kind where the Speaker of the House would tear up the State of the Union address on live national television thus undermining the confidence in the Office of the President. Yes.....those were the good 'ol days of Insurrection!
  23. Insurrection? That video has always made it look much more like a childish game of CAPTURE THE FLAG. I have to wonder how many Americans have ever seen the actual footage. I'm guessing very, very few.
  24. Let me put it a different way. I think most Bills fans would easily trade the bells and whistles for a roof, so as to not sit out in the cold, rain, and wind. Their message to the Pegulas would be to save their money. Invest in a simple, non-retractable, or skylit roof. And don't squander their investment on wifi, multi-million dollar video boards, operable walls/roofs, and luxury suites that most fans will never sit in. WNY is not Los Angeles. Very few Hollywood celebrities are going to be sitting 'court side'.
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