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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. So that covers the X and Y coordinate. What about the Z? What if the defense gets TALLER? Hmmm?
  2. Not the least bit surprised, he looked like a deer in the headlights every time I saw him on the sidelne.
  3. The problem with true isolationist lock downs is that in order for them to shut down the virus you have to shut EVERYTHING else down in the process. So while you may get rid of Covid, the human race ends due to starvation.
  4. There isn’t a single person in America that doesn’t personally know a vaccinated family member that got the virus from another vaccinated person. Period!
  5. The irony is incredible. This is the same cabal that impeached the former President for the audacity to ask a foreign leader to do nothing more than look into the self admitted blatant corruption by the former Vice President.
  6. If you know anything about my posting history you’d know that I neither have a stepmother, nor a basement (we don’t have basements in Southern California). And….you’d also know that I have a REALLY good job, but go ahead and keep telling the rest of us how you’re a victim of the System. Yeah….that’s the ticket!
  7. Please share a childish meme next time. It’s hard to take you seriously when you’re not acting like a complete douche.
  8. So something is definitely going on. Even CNN was covering the inflation story yesterday. They haven’t talked about anything except the Insurrection in a year! Can it be someone from the garbage pile of a channel actually went to the grocery store or had to get gas over the holidays?
  9. Hilarious…talk about moving the goalposts! So it wasn’t an insurrection after all? Fabulous! Next.
  10. Can we dress like the Dolphins just to mess with their heads? 😉
  11. I don’t remember that but the fact that the Vikings lost at the end makes it most likely true. They are truly snake bit as a franchise.
  12. Trump better not go anywhere. BillStime would be forced to come out of his basement and get an actual life….or at the very least, a job.
  13. The reporting last night was that Dr Death actually called a US Senator a moron while testifying yesterday. Is that true? If so, he really needs to go. That is unacceptable on so many levels.
  14. It’ll be 72 and sunny here in Southern California this Saturday…in case anyone was wondering. 😎
  15. It is interesting that his wife is in Kansas City? I know he came to us from the Chiefs but in all this time he hasn’t moved his family to WNY? Or is he from KC originally?
  16. What in the name of God is going on here? The FBI can’t testify that their agents didn’t commit crimes on January 6th?!!! Clear the room. The witness should not be allowed to incriminate herself!
  17. You keep posting that meme of Trump with his daughter. I have to assume that you don’t have a daughter. But then again very few junior high schoolers do.
  18. I'm not a big McCarthy fan either. Every time he gives an interview he immediately goes off topic and starts talking about winning back the majority. Maybe that's just the way Washington works, but I'd prefer it if the Minority side (either Left or Right) would spend their time explaining their alternative approach rather than just blathering on about "if you elect us, things will be different". My two cents.
  19. The real question is when does a comment rise to level of impeachment of a Supreme Court justice? If the President can be impeached for an awkward reference in a phone call to Joe Biden's corruption, why is this Lady not being seriously looked at for removal from Office? Justice is nowhere near blind when it comes to her approach to this case.
  20. So here it is in a nutshell: The Biden Administration put ALL of their eggs in the basket of vaccinations and it didn’t work. They have no Plan B and never spent any time coming up with one. The prayer was it would all just go away so they could focus on a massive spending bill to further the agenda of fundamentally transforming America with a nation distracted by the virus. This is EXACTLY like the Obama Administration passing their shovel-ready stimulus bill so they could quickly move on from the Great Recession to the bigger agenda of Obama-Care.
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