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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. I’m going with…all of them. 😉 Final answer
  2. I made the same observation after the super bowl here in Los Angeles…there sure were a lot of people from Cincinnati here that weekend! Very curious….no?
  3. Shocking…Trump supporters were together when a major pro Trump rally was taking place! And in other news…water is STILL wet.
  4. Corporations don’t pay taxes. Their customers do! Idiot
  5. All great comments. Buffalo is at a crossroads for sure. If they let this major public improvement stay in the suburbs it’ll be another 50 years (if ever) before something of this magnitude comes to downtown. That doesn’t mean it’s wrong to stay in OP. Maybe downtown Buffalo is just…in a word…done.
  6. The funniest part of the entire saga is that to justify his relentless fixation he posts a screen shot showing that Trump is lapping the GOP field in recent polling…proving that his entire life’s work has been a complete waste of time. If he’s getting paid to post this stuff, he’s doing a REALLY bad job at it! 😉
  7. I’m not saying he isn’t. I don’t know the man and I doubt you do either. But…my point remains that veterans are going to need to be vetted. Especially those that are clearly at the end of their football life span. I remember saying the same thing back when Rex was bringing in veteran players.
  8. Another thesis paper Kay? Let me shorten it for you. “We need to move away from fossil fuels.” Done!
  9. You can get paid to post childish nonsense on Buffalo Bills Message Board? And who says kids aren’t motivated these days? 😉
  10. Thanks My point remains. The Bills are in new territory now. There’ll be free agents looking to come to Buffalo in hopes of grabbing a ring (from my keyboard to God’s ears). The front office needs to be very selective. I’m not saying that’s Gronk but I could easily see him being less than motivated in crunch time.
  11. Well over $5.00 here in california. Most places have premium at around $5.39! Nice job Joe!
  12. Stupid Kimberly....had she just waited a year the country would have experienced for itself a surrender in Afghanistan, out of control inflation, outrageous foreign wars, an open border, and a stalled agenda. All of this would have taken care of itself!
  13. Ya see? Uncle Joe's been playing 3D chess while the world's been playing Chutes and Ladders. Let's Go Brandon!
  14. Thanks for the propaganda Nancy.
  15. You really need to get some fresh air. You spend your whole life fixated on this crap and it hasn't changed a single person's opinion.....and this poll is even more proof of that!
  16. I have to believe her classmates hated her in high school.
  17. Don't you ever get tired of the Trump stuff? I mean really, be honest. How much of your so-called life are you going to waste on this guy? I'm giving you permission to go outside and play with the other kids.
  18. OK Chef....but we expect you to un-retire by Monday morning so you can be back at your desk no later than 9:00am.
  19. I love reading these mock drafts! It’s hilarious to see how society has changed. Some of the player names seem totally made up. There are some really creative parents out there!
  20. And you know this to be true because you’re a billionaire? Excellent!
  21. Back off dude! I may live in Southern California now but I was born and raised in WNY. Sheeesh My point still remains. Beane needs to be really careful. There’ll be plenty of veterans looking to jump on the bandwagon, and having family in WNY is even MORE reason to be skeptical of Gronk’s motivation….not less.
  22. To quote Mr Hand from Ridgemont High…”I’m going to put this up on the board for all my classes to enjoy.” May I ask that somebody take over re-posting this day after day after day after day! Yes…OBAMA WAS WRONG!
  23. Honest question: How do you know that the PSL fees will go solely to the Owner? Couldn’t they be split with or paid to the State?
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