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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. I suggest you just stay home. We’ll let you know when it’s safe to have a life.
  2. Let me write that one down: ”Wear the most protective mask you can.” Are we REALLY paying these people?
  3. Oh crap! The Bills against the Rams in SoCal? Those tickets are gonna be pricey!!!!
  4. Aren’t you supposed to wait till we win the Super Bowl to do that? Have fun! Which park(s) you going to?
  5. Ha! Nice try. They did breach the door!! They did get into the house chamber. And ….nothing happened!
  6. So now you're also a TRAINED police officer. You're out of your core competency here Billsy. Get back in the basement.
  7. You guys are alright! I'll need to bring you into my architectural practice. Yes, a deep overhang has to resist what are called 'overturn' forces, which means it needs a significant foundation to counteract those forces. It's done all the time but generally requires deeper roof members and larger foundations.
  8. Yes....the officer is specifically TRAINED to wait and see what threat is posed. He was not under immediate, personal danger. This doesn't make the rioters right in their actions, but nobody should have been shot that day.
  9. Good grief! Put down your ridiculous talking points for one second! Just because you don't know anyone doesn't mean it didn't happen. The Super Spreader was my nephew....who was vaccinated. This thing is spreading like wildfire in California right now.
  10. How in the world is this a story? Sheeesh.....why doesn't the reporter just go ask the person that the elector said to go ask? That's called journalism.
  11. Wait a minute. This police officer is a hero? In every other police force he'd either be on leave, or on trial for a classic case of extensive use of force. We now know that the people he shot at did NOT actually pose an imminent threat to anyone (even if they certainly gave that impression). They left the building peacefully long after the shot was fired. The officer killed this person for no real purpose. And it was NOT his shot that ended the 'insurrection'.
  12. That's the beauty of being on the west coast. I have three hours less to wait for kick-off. (Just enough time to go to the beach in the morning.)
  13. It's an excellent question but I think the dollar figure sounds about right....although probably a little inflated. With that said, the stadium project budget is a balancing act of many variables. I believe WNY fans would appreciate the roof way more than they would some of the other amenities that other NFL venues cite these days. Does Buffalo need a ton of luxury boxes? Probably not. How about a massive jumbotron video display? Probably not. How about expensive food venues and restaurants/clubs? Again, probably not. What Bills fans really want is a parking lot to party in (consuming their own food and drink) both before and after the game and an enclosed venue where they can enjoy the game shielded from the elements for the three hours they're in their reasonably priced seats.
  14. Well there’s something going on here. In every line of work SOMEONE would get canned. If you remember during the Trump years the media jackals would opine for hours about whether Trump was going to fire this person or that person. Where are those questions now?
  15. Everyone’s tired of it. This has become a messaging disaster for the Biden administration. I cannot believe these buffoons haven’t pivoted by now.
  16. No doubt….so if that’s the issue….fix it! Build a new stadium where attendance will NOT go down in the winter weeks. I’ll let you decide what kind of stadium would fix the ‘problem’.
  17. Great write up as always. Two points: First, good luck with being ‘present’ during the playoffs. My wife would probably prefer it if I was a tad LESS present when the Bills are on. 😉 Second, I’m curious as to whether our coordinators are having virtual interviews these days. If so, the time distraction is of course way less of an issue. In my line of work we interview for new commissions all the time. Zoom is less personal but it’s greatly cut down on the time expended going to and from every opportunity.
  18. I’m not sure what this thread’s about. Why couldn’t a person enjoy going to games in the early part of the season when the weather is nice, sitting outside, and having a great time…and therefore ALSO not wanting to sit inside on those nice fall days? Who says you have to go to every game or enjoy freezing your butt off?
  19. I didn’t say boosted. I said vaccinated. But…even with that said…in my immediate family we have a boosted, vaccinated, and non-vaccinated member who ALL got Covid in the span of a week over Christmas.
  20. Good luck with that. I've been asking Niagara that for months and months. He just calls me names, and never answers. Maybe your more polite (curious) approach will unlock the secret code.
  21. Maybe at next year's gala AOC can attach the Debt Clock to her ass.
  22. Huh? We already know from everyone's personal experience that that's simply not true. Vaccines are not a defense against the most recent strain of Covid. They just aren't. While less deadly than previous strains, the current strain appears to blow right through the vaccination. I'm not making a political statement here. It is just everyone's experience over the past several weeks.
  23. You do realize this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated, right? Sure it is! 😂
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