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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. The font keeps getting bigger. Can you say…triggered?
  2. Now do Maxine Waters. Whats your word again….idiots!
  3. We’re approaching SIX in california….. nice job Joe! Way to help the working folk. Joe and AOC anticipate that your triple masked waitress and bus boy will be placing their Tesla orders this morning. Brilliant!
  4. The great thing about living in your mom’s basement is that you never have to buy gas or groceries. Thank God that doesn’t apply to the rest of us up here on the surface of the planet so that these sorts of uninformed memes about disinformation only serve to reinforce the point that the poster is completely out of touch. But thanks for reinforcing the point!
  5. Think about it. Supposedly 80 million people voted for a guy who’s made a mess of everything he touches…just so that he wouldn’t tweet.
  6. Isn’t it interesting how Tibs gives a complete free pass to all the world leaders that are ACTUALLY in charge right now to instead focus on a private citizen who has neither power or authority? Lots of deflection going on here. Good thing the American people aren’t even close to buying it. Great job Joe!
  7. Breathe Billsy You’ve got to last another three years with your bullcrap. Pace yourself.
  8. Hey Billsy As things continue to get worse and worse in America your posts, fonts and rhetoric are clearly looking more and more triggered. Your guy’s in charge now. Enjoy the ride.
  9. You’re going to have to trust me…I’m winning. And don’t blame me for questioning your math. Most adults can count to four.
  10. Huh? I thought she was half Indian? What half of her is white? How many halves does she have?
  11. Yeah, yeah, yeah…how was your crap? Don’t leave us hanging?
  12. Five years of Trump? Did that include the last year of Obama or the first year of Biden? This is getting really complicated! Don’t hurt yourself.
  13. He wasn’t trying to overturn the election.
  14. So it’s your position then that Biden’s just maintaining the status quo? Excellent, counselor!
  15. And you think I’m “addle minded”? Sheeesh!
  16. This is really today’s debate? When we get to the point where the voting rights of ex-felons is the LAST problem remaining to be fixed…let me know. 😉
  17. I thought I told you not to hurt yourself. You’re going to pull a hamstring!
  18. Way to stretch Billsy. Don’t hurt yourself.
  19. Well I forgot he attacked you and Billsy. I apologize.
  20. Ah yes. EIGHT YEARS of Biden in the White House and Putin attacks….Crimea FOUR YEARS of Trump in the White House and Putin attacks….NOBODY ONE YEAR of Biden back in the White House and Putin attacks…Ukraine Tibs, you’d make a terrible attorney!
  21. The Committee isn’t a law enforcement entity as your blood thirst would imply. Tibs says their sole purpose is to protect democracy. I’m all for that! Are they looking into the protocols that were used to change election regulations without proper legislative action? Hmmm? When does the protecting democracy start? After the witch hunting ends?
  22. Silly Chef…..we all know the republic ended on January 6th. And how do we know this? Because BillStime re-posted it from Twitter. 😂
  23. Oh come on. I have no idea what the drumbeat of his ties to Buffalo have to do with any of this. So what? I’m more interested in players that are little less long in the tooth. Gronk is one bad stretching routine from being out for multiple weeks at a time. I’ve never been a fan of the rent a player mentality.
  24. Interesting take. So what EXACTLY is this committee doing? I thought you said they were upholding democracy. If true, shouldn’t they be looking into the voter issues that the Trump supporters were upset about? What’s there to look into with the people who entered the Capitol? Has ANYONE opined that those people were right in what they did? This sounds like the Mueller Report all over again where when asked if he look into the Steele Dossier…he said nope we weren’t looking at that. Sounds to me like there are some ROOT CAUSES not being uncovered….hmmm?
  25. That is definitely NOT what they’re doing and you know it.
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