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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. It means that the field conditions should be ideal since they aren’t expecting rain leading up to game time
  2. You know what’s funny is that I honestly couldn’t remember where Sony was these days. (Way too many playoff games this past weekend.)
  3. The thing I notice from that list is that everyone but the Bills players are currently polishing their golf clubs.
  4. Having Tom Brady on your roster can paper over a ton of deficiencies. That’s no longer the case in NE. If Mac Jones has the typical sophomore setback, they’re in big trouble.
  5. This man has the critical thinking skills of a pecan pie. Geeez what a disgrace! Rest In Peace Reverend King.
  6. It makes no sense because it isn’t about science at all. It’s about publicly projecting an image of submission and compliance. It always has been. Subtle but VERY effective.
  7. If you look at the trending and not just the final record I’m going with the Arizona Cardinals. They were the darling of the league at the midpoint and totally crashed and burned down the stretch including last night. They stacked their roster and were a go to destiny for free agents….and now…they’re golfing.
  8. Can we wear our all reds? That’ll confuse ‘em for sure! Can we wear our all reds? That’ll confuse ‘em for sure! Can we wear our all reds? That’ll confuse ‘em for sure!
  9. Giovanni’s on Lewars Street if you’re in Waikiki Tons if screens. Great atmosphere!
  10. By the way weather report shows between 20 and 30 degrees but sunny all next Sunday in KC
  11. I mentioned this earlier. Something’s definitely changed with the O Line. This isn’t due to the RBs. Both the pass protection and run blocking have improved tremendously, and all of it without a single free agent signing or trickery. I’m guessing they’ve finally got these five guys in their five correct spots. It took most of the season but I’m glad they got it sorted out. After locking up Dawkins. and Willams (after what they thought were the two tackle spots) it’s an outright gift that Spencer Brown appears to be an outstanding RT for years to come on a rookie contract.
  12. Something has definitely clicked, or changed. Is it Bates? Is it continuity? Have they changed the blocking schemes?
  13. Anyone notice him flip the ball at the Patriots bench? Yikes.
  14. Ha! I don’t know if I’d go that far but it did look like they just felt sorry for Mac Jones.
  15. As long as we’re gushing, I’ll throw in another weird stat. The Bills ran a total 54 offensive plays and but for two missed extra points would’ve scored 49 points. Take away the final kneel downs and they came REALLY close to equaling a point per offensive play. Can’t imagine it’s ever been done before. Wild!
  16. In general the Bills did get some breaks, but if we’re counting, the pass interference against Levi was cheap. He had a hand on the receivers shoulder and the pass was six feet over their heads.
  17. If that game doesn’t make him retire he REALLY needs to get a hobby…and a life.
  18. That was about as close to Alabama against Middle Arkansas State as you’re ever going to see in the NFL. In fact I’m not sure you’ll ever see it again.
  19. A full roof would be equal to or less than the cost of the full overhang structure many have in mind here.
  20. Don’t you remember? Dr Fauchi is science! He told us so.
  21. Exactly The legal term is Standard of Care and goes to the concept of what would another professional officer have done if faced with the same circumstances …but in this case we know what dozens of other officers did in the exact same situation. They did NOT shoot anyone. This officer definitely did not meet the Standard of Care. Period!
  22. Dude…you’re really a bit unhinged. I’ll chalk it up to Friday but honestly…chill!
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