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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Oh brother! . The examples you cite are NOT why we have testing lines stretching around blocks. New born babies and nuclear power pant workers are NOT standing in those lines. And…I love how you say it ‘allows’ people to go to work? Who exactly is ‘allowing’ it? Sheeesh
  2. The bingo card, if real, is ridiculous. In a nutshell it attempts to draw the conclusion that if you come from an upper-middle class background you have advantages over people who don't. What the? We have to teach kids that? Why? Don't they already know that?
  3. Everything is NOT about going to jail. The Hunter Biden story is NOT about Hunter Biden. It's about his father, the then sitting Vice President of the US and whether he was using his influence to shield his son. The problem was/is that the media buried the story leading up to an election.
  4. Exactly! Testing asymptomatic people is totally pointless, since you can contract the virus ten minutes after taking the test. Does everyone check to see if the refrigerator light goes off after you close the door?
  5. Go figure! I had no idea the Lions were trying to get to the Championship game.
  6. And you'll recall the NFL went through the teflon dome phase (Pontiac Dome, Metrodome, Carrier Dome). That was until the Metrodome failed under a heavy snow load.
  7. A retractable dome is yesterday's solution, and quite frankly a little used expense. It was a beautiful day in Dallas last weekend and yet they still kept the roof shut. They now have the glazing technology to create an outdoor experience while sitting indoors. Go to Minnesota or Los Angeles. You'll swear you're sitting outside.
  8. What’s amazing is they stand by the story that laptop simply doesn’t exist. Hilarious!
  9. Setting aside all the Xs and Os, I believe this one comes down to the refs. If they let the KC secondary play ‘sticky’ with our receivers there’s no amount of execution that will overcome it. Let’s hope that’s not the case.
  10. All of this is connected to the improvement in the O Line. They go hand in hand. I’ve got to believe Josh feels more comfortable carrying out these slight of hand moves when he knows he’s not about to run for his life a split second later from a wave of oncoming D Linemen.
  11. Non believers? Somebody call the Vatican! Time to add the Epistle: “First Letter of Fauci to the Americans” to the New Testament. 😂
  12. Can someone tell me why Trump didn’t take customary tact of smashing his cell phone and shredding all the papers? Did he learn nothing while in DC?
  13. Being on countless committees can paper over a whole lot of incompetence. You must remember those school group projects where one kid did practically nothing throughout the entire assignment but was right there up front to take equal share of the credit. I’m guessing that kid was …Joe Biden.
  14. On the contrary...I'm sure he's actually a very nice man. But what most people don't understand is that being in the Senate for years doesn't qualify you to be President. In fact, if you've been in the Senate for as long as he was it almost certainly makes you unqualified. Senators don't run anything. They sit on committees and as such they aren't personally responsible for much of anything. In other words, they do a lot of 'group projects'. And they rarely have to answer questions. Senators are the ones who ASK questions. There's a big difference! No wonder he's uncomfortable answering questions or holding press conferences. in closing, go to your local School Board meeting. The Board of Education has a COMPLETELY different role than the Superintendent of Schools. The vast majority of School Board Members will tell you they have no business being the Superintendent.
  15. Two things have changed: First, they re-discovered the check down, short passing game they displayed during pre-season. Second, the offensive line have finally settled into their best-fit starting roster spots.
  16. There absolutely was a job interview, and he came utterly unprepared. Let me ask it another way: If that old man had come into your office seeking an executive position, with no executive experience over the last half century, and an air of obvious confusion hovering all around him....would you have recommended to the Board of Directors that he's the man for the job? Of course not. So why would he suddenly become the man just because he's sitting behind the desk? Hint....now that he took the job he's not even sitting behind the REAL desk, and he drags his wife around with him everywhere to keep him from falling over. Is that the guy we should've hired? Obviously not. The American people are getting EXACTLY what they voted for. What a mess!
  17. This is what happens when you hire an old guy to do a difficult job that he has ZERO experience for. He's spent 47 years in the same job , where he could hide on a committee, make no real decisions, and have no personal authority to take any action. Should we blame Joe Biden? Maybe. But we should absolutely blame the American people for hiring him after such a horrible job interview.
  18. Glad to hear you're on the mend. You'll now join the MILLIONS of Americans who've come out the other side.
  19. Once again sticking your Canadian nose into our federal politics. I really don't understand why. Isn't there anything going on in Canadian politics? How did Trump's policies make anything worse for you as a Canadian? You're of course free to express an opinion, but yours seems very much so partisan. Carry on!
  20. It's interesting that you bring up heating oil. Out here in California we don't heat much but when we do it's all through natural gas piped to our homes. This past few months Southern California Gas Company started adding a HUGE "commodity charge" to all of our gas bills. My bill was literally double the same month last year and the gas consumption was virtually identical. I'm sure someone somewhere along the line someone passed legislation allowing SoCal Gas to add a 'commodity charge' to our monthly bill, but I have no idea what it is, what it pays for, or why they need it.
  21. Well for someone who doesn't want to talk about it, he's certainly doing a whole lot of talking about. So unlike you....I do blame him. Hey Tibs! Can you please tell us what you'd like Uncle Joe to do?
  22. Well Tib's got his wish. His man Uncle Joe is in charge now. Does Tibs even know that? He seems to be stuck in a time warp.
  23. The key will be whether than can actually be a team of destiny, and not know, or think they're a team of destiny. It'll be Coach McD's job to keep them all in the moment.
  24. That's pretty cool! But, I'm not sure my blue collar roots would allow it. Growing up in WNY my Mom would tell us "We have drinks at home!", every time we stopped at McDonald's....which was very rarely. And for that trade-off and many others Dad got season tickets to the Bills, where once again we'd eat home-made sandwiches and thermos of hot chocolate from our lower level seats at half-time. I considered all of it a trade well worth it. Go Bills
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