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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. And football is wrestling? Oh wait a minute….no it isn’t.
  2. Sure! You’re not going to get a try out son…..but stick by the phone…and let your parents know there’s a really good chance this novelty wrestler will flame out.
  3. Are we really having this discussion? You think the NFL is going to hold a Super Bowl where the entire west coast will have to get up at 6:00am just to see the kickoff? Really? 🙄
  4. Look at it another way. It then means a different player who’s devoted his life to playing football is sitting home so the Bills can bring in a novelty player that’ll never make the team.
  5. I find these signings to be pretty troubling. Doesn’t this mean that they also have to release someone? So a young man who’s devoted his life to playing football and gets his shot on an NFL roster is told he has to go home because the Bills have decided to give his spot to a novelty dude who’s never played the game? Sad.
  6. February in an open air stadium in the snow belt south of Buffalo NY. Sure! Why not? 😎
  7. You do realize that there’s literally MILLIONS of people in the United States that don’t live in the eastern time zone, right? Please say yes.
  8. London simply wouldn’t be possible because of the time difference….period. End thread.
  9. Is there a free agent you think they should target? The obvious challenge is trying to time it out so as to coincide with your WR contracts. Otherwise you end up on a never ending teeter totter.
  10. So if you are the Dolphins GM you’d be drafting a QB? Seems like you’d be stuck in a mid-late round one draft pick. Similar to the spot the Bills were stuck in for a decade. Or….is there a free agent you have your eye on?
  11. What ‘made’ me a Bills fan? Now that I think about it I have no idea, but after SIXTY years and having grown up in WNY it’s too late to question it now.
  12. Come on Shaw! Maintain a sense of humor.
  13. I’m not seeing how any team justifies that kind of money to a WR. We all know they’re a dime a dozen. 😁
  14. Just keep the rubber floor mats away from the Bills training camp and I’ll be fine. I couldn’t care less what’s happening with the Jets.
  15. One thing that I’ve come to expect is that our defensive identity will not revolve around rushing the passer. It seems like it never does.
  16. There are only two things that matter in any offense. First, being able to move the chains on the third down. Second, being able to score touchdowns in the red zone. Everything else is a very distant third. So what do I envision from Shakir? Consistent performance in the first two.
  17. I apologize if I got the wrong impression but the dialogue answers your question. There’s no desire (maybe even from you) for such a development. When watching one of the stadium construction fly over drone videos I was struck by how little there is anywhere around Orchard Park. When the drone looks to the horizon you can’t see a building for miles in any direction. It’s far from a commercial real estate hub….thats for sure!
  18. I’m still not sure where you’re going with this. The location of the new stadium is clearly a done deal (in case you haven’t seen the photos) and the current one has been at that location for half a century…all without a Chilis restaurant anywhere to be found. It doesn’t seem to be bothering anyone but you. Are you that committed to popping in for some baby backs on gameday morning? 😉
  19. Diggs ain’t gonna be happy….again
  20. Absolutely. California is crawling with them. I find it hard to believe that the City of Orchard Park is the driving force behind the lack of an Applebees across the street from the stadium though.
  21. Wait a minute! Isn’t that what’s printed on the US dollar right below the picture of George Washington? 😉
  22. I’m sure right. They can’t possibly need additional tax revenue. (sarcasm)
  23. I’m far from a salary cap expert but I’d imagine that teams have learned to save some room for mid-season signings. They have no idea who’s going to be injured in a seventeen game season.
  24. This is the part I simply don’t understand about how people look at our society. We live in a free market economy. If there was money to be made by creating a development as you’d like to see, someone would build it. I can’t imagine there’s some grand orchestrated conspiracy against it. It’s not like the Bills are more interested in having people come and drink their own beer in their parking lots.
  25. I often wonder if his “targets suck” as you say or if the design of the passing offense is not all that it should be.
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