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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Possibly. Keep in mind I’m only restating an opinion/strategy I heard. It remains to be seen if this pundit is correct.
  2. Again....Putin is not thinking about the cost. He is playing the long term legacy game here. They've been fighting over the same patch of desert in the Middle East for centuries. Do any of them worry about the cost? No...that's a short term American perspective.
  3. How dare you try and cancel the Cancel Culture! It's what we do down here.
  4. So....we are NOT getting Ertz? This is exhausting!
  5. I'm glad I'm not an NFL GM....I'd never be able to keep all of this straight! Seems overly complicated to me.
  6. You cannot make this stuff. We are now waste deep in irony! The Left (media and high level government officials) pushed a Russian narrative for FOUR YEARS claiming, and then impeaching the President over a now proven false narrative....and somehow NOW they're alarmed about a single television pundit uttering comments that might make US citizens think about current conditions in a far away foreign country, questioning what they're being fed by the same government that led them down the false narrative front. In a word.....sheesh!
  7. Keep it up. Your guys in charge now. Enjoy the ride.
  8. I agree but with all due respect yours is yet another American centric response. Putin doesn’t care how the war looks. He’s trying to swallow up a country. Just like a snake swallows a large rat. It’s ugly going down and looks horrible but once it’s done it’s done and he won’t have to eat again for years. He doesn’t have to worry about media reaction or an election cycle.
  9. Oh fir heavens sake Tibs! NOBODY is saying it’s Biden’s fault. You’re just being ridiculous and you’re way way better than that. At least I’ve always thought so.
  10. That’s the typical Americanized short term view. I’m guessing he’s thinking the long term play. He’s hoping to go down as the man that recaptured traditional Russian territory. This is a legacy play for him…or at least that’s what the pundit was surmising.
  11. Keep your shirt on Tibs. The actual guy in charge has made a total mess of everything that he’s touched both domestically and internationally and you want to spend your time lighting your hair on fire about a talk show host whose job it is to ask good questions and make you think? You remember thinking, right? It’s that thing you used to do before you sold out to a strict party line hack.
  12. Biden is doing? Go on.
  13. So if I have this right, you’re more concerned about what a talk show host is saying than what the Biden Administration isn’t doing? Excellent! Ya think Putin is concerned about what YOU’RE saying? Answer ….nope!
  14. I’m sure you guys are right. Russia attacked Ukraine because some guy on TV says he can understand why they did. Yep…that’s gotta be right. It couldn’t possibly be because Russia made the calculation that the guy who’s ACTUALLY in charge wouldn’t stop them. No…that couldn’t be the case. 🙄
  15. I heard a military pundit on the radio here in SoCal yesterday and he made a ton of sense. His assessment was that Putin saw an opening and he took it. He’s approaching 70 years old and he wants a legacy of putting Mother Russia back together before he leaves the stage. He’s not immortal. He watched the US exit Afghanistan and figured, rightly so, that we had no appetite for another foreign conflict. So…he went for it. Sure seems like an accurate take to me.
  16. Why should that stop us? Beane is a wizard…right?
  17. I have one word for all of ya….ERTZ!
  18. Interesting…I actually thought he looked better before. I assumed he had some sort of medical issue going on.
  19. Pompeo looks like he’s lost 75 pounds or more in the last year. Maybe his security team won’t let him eat!
  20. Ha! Toyota doesn’t sell ‘interesting’. It’s not there branding. Neither does Honda. They’re core competency is reliability.
  21. I’ll do it….but only if the team provides the rake.
  22. I know this seems like a no brainer to many on here, but stepping back for a minute I think this is the poster child for much of what's wrong in the modern NFL salary carousel. I mean, it's not like Williams was a hold-over from a previous regime. He was given his current contract by the exact same people who just released him. I've never understood why this has to be the case. It would seem like roster stability would be welcome by both players and coaches alike. Instead we see these nutty contracts that rent-a-player for a year or two and then watch the same guys get tossed in the dumpster. I think the league, the union, and the teams could all do much better.
  23. Hey John, I just said the exact same thing to my wife last night. They are telling me not to expect my new car until September, at the earliest. Sheeesh!
  24. That's your takeaway? What this should have told you is that the Public Health Officials new an awful lot of the specific segments of the population that were at higher risk and did little to nothing to warn them, or un-warn those that didn't fit within those segments. They instead went with a very lazy one size fits all version of The Science. Really pathetic.
  25. $6.09 per gallon in suburban Southern California
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