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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Suddenly the Left wants a tough guy in the White House? Bush was a ‘cowboy’ and Reagan was going to start WWIII. Good thing we’ve got Uncle Joe the newly certified Surrenderer in Chief sitting behind that resolute cheap IKEA desk now. That’ll put the fear of God into them.
  2. Get back to class cupcake. The bell rang over a year ago.
  3. And please take a definitive stance on blue cheese or ranch….dammit!
  4. The problem with Billy Boy is that he’s still living with his fictional ghost of Trump presidency. But now an entire year’s gone by and everyone can see and feel the reality of what a mess this all is. With each passing day Billsy becomes an even more pathetic cartoon of himself. Very strange…unless he’s secretly Pro Trump and playing three dimensional chess with everyone.
  5. You mean cracking down on what the LEFT’s been passing off as a public education? On that we agree! Keep it up Billy. But when you’re in a deep hole…stop digging!
  6. Keep telling yourself that toots. I’m sure CNN is all over the story where the RIGHT is in control of education. Sure…that sounds correct. Calling Adam Schiff…Adam Schiff to aisle five!
  7. So Epps was actually an informant dressed up like an oath keeper, pretending to be an FBI agent, but working under cover in conjunction with a Committee, that wasn’t even formed yet? My head’s spinning! I have trouble enough just trying to be myself. 😂😂😂
  8. I’d cut your losses now. He’s shown no development whatsoever. His freakish athleticism is simply not enough to compensate for his total lack of football instincts. He’s not suddenly going to develop them.
  9. You have to be the most un-self aware person in America. The LEFT…not the RIGHT controls “what children are taught”. How about thinking for a second before posting yet another in a long line of stupid meme! Please tell me you’re not on your junior high school’s debate team.
  10. And what are we doing about MLB? Please tell me we aren’t rolling Edmunds out there for another year of this experiment?
  11. I’d expect this thread in any message board other than the Buffalo Bills. The kickoff was NOT the big mistake! Don’t ANY of you remember the Music City Miracle? The mistake was not holding the receivers when KC got the ball at the 25 yard line. End thread!
  12. I agree I cannot see them cutting Williams a year after having just locked him up. Especially when he still consistently in the starting five.
  13. While I understand everyone’s exhausted from this topic, it does make me wonder what can be done to improve things going forward. You can throw out the baby with the bath water by firing these geniuses but that’s only going to result in undoing all the other good things that have come with the current leadership. So what happens next year when a completely different set of circumstances result in another playoff blunder? I mean it was only a week ago when everyone was circling around the Cowboys late game mistake.
  14. Trump did what needed to be done and was long overdue being said to our European allies. He neither created the current system where they were not paying their 'fair share'....nor was he willing to continue it. It was long overdue that they were called to task in public! Their sloth had been going on for decades.
  15. Sheesh, I really hope you never get in a position of making decisions about anything. What people say in Tweets, or in soundbites for public consumption, is almost NEVER what's going on behind the scenes. You however believe you're getting all the world's truths from Twitter.
  16. After that Bills game it’s doubtful any virus could survive the vast amount of alcohol being consumed all across Erie County. 😉
  17. Would you want him to seek out LESS than enough votes? I’ll use your term….idiot!
  18. LA Fitness. One is in San Bernardino County and there nobody wears them even going in. The other is LA County and there 90% have them hanging under their chin the second they pass the check in desk. Pure virtue signaling nonsense anymore.
  19. OK that’s it! It’s time to send in James Taylor with his guitar. One, two, three…everyone now…”you’ve got a friend”. 😂😂
  20. Hey Chef My gym(s) dropped that farce a few weeks ago. People wear them going in but they come off immediately after they pass the receptionist.
  21. We’ve definitely been transported to bizzaro world. Trump was President for FOUR YEARS and Russia makes no aggressive moves anywhere. Obama and Biden bookend Trump and preside over Putin’s blustering and threats to consume foreign territory. Sure! That looks like Trump’s fault to me. If there’s a political topic that clearly shows the REAL agenda of the Left…this has got to be it.
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