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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. I’ve got to assume he’s a veteran and for his service I’ll thank him…but yikes he REALLY likes military weaponry. So I’ll assume you’d have gone WR instead of Von Miller? 😉
  2. You keep repeating that line and it’s really juvenile. Just because YOU think a guy has a hot daughter doesn’t mean her father wants to F her. If you ever get old enough to have a daughter, you’ll know that.
  3. I’ll say one thing Tibs….you REALLY like your weaponry.
  4. Keep pushing the narrative Tibs! You’re bound to convince somebody…maybe even yourself. 😂😂
  5. I believe Tibs works for a defense contractor. Keep selling that product!
  6. For a woke empathy filled leftist you’ve developed a really nasty habit for calling people names. You may want to course correct.
  7. Irony anyone? What then would your post say about the 1,000 threads you keep reviving about Trump? 😳
  8. You keep saying that day after day but I have to tell you, I’m not seeing it that way. Did he March straight through the Ukraine…obviously not. But he’s clearly on the offensive. If he’s not, why is the Ukrainian President so desperate for aid?
  9. We aren’t allowed to eat bacon in california anymore. And you definitely can’t have a plastic straw!
  10. When someone finally writes the definitive work on what brought down western civilization it’ll be the shortest doctoral thesis in history…one word…Twitter.
  11. We’ve officially entered bizzaro world. Tibs….I’d actually like the government to STOP trying to save me! Let my people go, Pharaoh!
  12. Still reminds me of the classic scene from My Cousin Vinny…something to the effect of: “Do you think the little deer is going to give a crap what color pants you’re wearing when his little deer brains are splattered all over the forest?”
  13. There’s a serious reading comprehension problem on here today. The administration says they’re research labs….but….that has NOTHING to do with whether they’re storing vast quantities of pathogens. Wuhan is NOT a weapons lab! Have we literally learned nothing at all in this supposed ‘information’ age. Sheeessh
  14. Which is yet another great example of how these one size fits all federal policies are ridiculous.
  15. Fantastic…someone call Aaron and see if he’ll loan us the money for a roof!
  16. Since we only have seven years left before the planet melts down…I say screw it! Just give me one Bills Super Bowl victory and then it’s boom, boom out go the lights! 👍
  17. You really have a major reading comprehension issue! I said that’s what Putin is thinking. Geeeez. Go back to class…the bell rang long ago.
  18. Because the world is ending? Again! Dammit I’ve got to get a newspaper.
  19. What? They’re not making this up! The Biden Administration said so under oath! Now…the debate is whether these are “weapons” labs or simply “research” labs…but the fact still exists that these labs are actually there and they actually house dangerous pathogens. I have no idea why the Senate inquired in an open hearing…but here we are none the less.
  20. Huh? Did they just become one this past couple of weeks?
  21. You’re far more patient than me. You’ve got to understand how dangerous this is when the Left begins calling Americans traitors for asking questions and/or stating opinions contrary to The State. They know exactly what they’re doing and it has absolutely nothing to do with Tucker Carlson. Bad things, man!
  22. Do you watch anything that’s actually happening or just what you’re fed from CNN? We all went through this. They had an actual trial and your accusations did not hold weight with the jury. Sorry…but you’re wrong.
  23. Quite possibly true. If this pundit is correct, he doesn't care what the current history will say. He only cares what the long-term history will show.....he got Ukraine back. Russian society is not like American society. It doesn't blow in the wind waiting for the next election cycle. It's so hard for Americans to understand that, but I'm guessing it's just as hard for them to understand us and why we waste so much time flip-flopping back and forth between regimes and dogmas.
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