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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Wait! Is this about Trump? I could hardly find the reference buried in there. If only title Anti-Christ wasn’t so over used you could toss that in there. Keep that one in reserve. 😂😂😂
  2. Wait! Let me guess? You want to make this about Trump? Am I close? It’s always so hard to tell with you.
  3. I apologize….am I disturbing your internet kingdom?
  4. May I suggest that you’re literally the last person the on planet that should be calling anyone stupid? Stick with freak, POS and even idiot.
  5. I do work with LAUSD. They haven’t been in their offices since March 2020!!! Upper management just went back this past week. None of the employees want to go back. They’ve all gotten used to putting in the minimum amount of effort possible while ‘working’ from home. Shameful!
  6. As I said….we’re all going to find out together. All’s I know for sure is that it’s a whole lot better than 7-9 forever! GO BILLS
  7. What’s fascinating is that if a person of color kept getting accused of a crime and repeatedly found innocent, the Left would call it a clear case of Systemic Harassment…but not with Trump. Nancy and her scorched earth politics cannot exit the American landscape soon enough. She’s a lunatic!
  8. Pretty much everyone felt that the Bills year was 1990. They had the best team and had it all set up. They’d just crushed the Raiders in the championship game. But go figure….they went back year after year after year. The point is we don’t know YET whether those thirteen seconds were the end or the beginning. It’ll be a whole lot of fun to find out. 👍 GO BILLS
  9. As my screen name shows, I live and work in and around Los Angeles. You can literally cross the street and be in another school district here. On the LAUSD side everyone is fully masked. On the other side everyone’s just going to school and making their own choices. That’s one very discriminatory virus!
  10. I’m pretty sure your average Ukrainian, who’s house is now a rubble filled crater would trade the Trump years for the last month under Biden in a heartbeat. And yet the Trump haters just keep screaming into their First World Problem filled darkness. It’s a luxury to be consumed by student debt, race theory, gay rights, and windmills.
  11. That’s what everyone said after Super Bowl XXV but then we went back for three more bites at the apple.
  12. Very well said. Once again, school teachers are not marriage and family counselors. They are not priests. They are not social workers. And they are not their student’s parent/guardian. They have ZERO expertise in these issues. They should not be talking to young kids about these issues at all...period! The proper course of action is for the teacher to either quickly move on from the topic or refer the student to someone that DOES have expertise.
  13. He lives next door to me. 😳
  14. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. 😉 716er needs to learn his Seinfeld references.
  15. Do you know Tommy Thayer?
  16. Why does this remind me of Michael Vick? These things don’t seem to work out after a player goes through a period on the outside. But we’ll all certainly see.
  17. I’m not to take the time to read through page after page of this stuff. My problem with Star was his play, or lack there of, on the football field. I’m not going fault anyone with how they choose or chose to deal with a virus situation that is/was a brand new ‘thing’ in everyone’s life. I’m pretty damn sure nobody was asked what they would do in the case of international pandemic when they were hired!! I know I wasn’t. Were you? Now…however, once he was in that situation my personal feeling is he needs to tell the team he’s not comfortable playing anymore, or something to that effect, and bow out gracefully. No shame in that.
  18. You get more pathetic with each passing day since November 2020. GIVE IT UP MAN!
  19. You’re on here night and day since the invasion blathering on and on about every sort of weapons system and you didn’t think EVERYONE on here noticed? Really now? Oh brother.
  20. Seeing that list of free agents and keeping with the theme of putting the band back together…Sammy Watkins returns at Vet Minimum. 😂
  21. Yes…you’re right! It’s WAY WAY better for the Ukrainian people with Biden at the wheel. I’m guessing most of those innocent hard working people wanted a new apartment building anyway.
  22. Keep pushing those weapons Tibs! You’ll be able to retire in style. 👍
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