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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. One would think a Native American would be the next in line….no?
  2. There really isn’t a debate. The coaches blew that one. There might be a debate in Dallas about whether Dak made a mistake but there’s really no debate about the Bills game.
  3. None to date, but the number of justices is really very small. Your point is utterly ridiculous.
  4. Sure! It’s nothing when the President is constantly confused.
  5. Not that it’s in any way something to celebrate but we passed 900,000 deaths yesterday. Will CNN be running on a special on the Biden Administration’s utter failure? Don’t hold your breath!
  6. Ouch! You REALLY think that’s what anyone in America is saying? Really?
  7. This is not right. Mr Biden is not in a good place. Really sad.
  8. And the sun isn’t even up in So Cal. Just wait until the coffee kicks in. 😉
  9. Where did the intelligent liberals go? They’ve been shouted down and relegated to the back bench. Why? In my opinion for two reasons. First, the Great Recession changed things for an entire generation who witnessed or personally experienced a lot of economic carnage. Those young liberals have simply quit! They’d prefer being taken care of by the State. Personal effort and responsibilities seem way like way too much work and bring more risk than reward. The second reason comes down to leadership. Nancy Pelosi will forever go down as one of the worst congressional ‘leaders’ in history. Her style of personal gain and scorched earth destruction has ruined the Democratic Party leaving the door open for a clown car of nitwits to take root. She’s traded her principles for a power seat, laughing all the way to the bank, and leaving no room for work-a-day liberals. Don’t believe me? Go to ANY construction site and try and find a Biden bumper sticker on a truck…you won’t find one.
  10. It’s actually one of the things I don’t like about the extra regular season game. The season is really long and the guys are mentally pooped. If they reach the playoffs with a road trip hill yet to climb it’s going to be a mental challenge. McD has to get over the late game strategic missteps if these guys are going to have confidence.
  11. My two cents: If the Bills don’t get home field advantage next year it’s going to be a real struggle for the team not to enter the playoffs with a ‘here we go again’ attitude…which is no way to approach a super bowl run.
  12. Well you know the old saying …you got to break some eggs if you want to Fundamentally Transform America.
  13. Build up the middle of the defense: NT MLB Build up the middle of the offense: G TE
  14. We can all replay it over and over and over again but here’s the game in a nutshell: End of the first half…tie game End of regulation…tie game Coin flip….Bills lose That's pretty much it.
  15. I find it fascinating how people would call the people who DON’T want to fall in line…lemmings. We’ve now reached the point where words mean absolutely nothing anymore.
  16. “How we face our history is how the future will remember us.” Anyone ever see the Ben Stiller movie “Mystery Men” about a bunch of wannabe super heroes? There’s a character called The Sphinx whose super power is being REALLY mysterious. He spends the entire movie making statements just like that one. 😂😂😂
  17. If it helps…I was watching him the entire game. Apparently I wasn’t screaming at the TV loud enough.
  18. Wouldn’t the AFC have to win at least one super bowl in a row before starting this thread? After all Tampa won last year and there’s a very good chance the Rams will be playing at home in a couple of weeks. Just saying.
  19. I’ll answer it. We have come so far from judging people by the content of their character instead of by the color of their skin that that phrase could just as well have been written on the Dead Sea Scrolls.
  20. You win football games up the middle of the field, not on the edges. The Bills need an upgrade at both NT and MLB. Improving both of those spots should be the #1 priority this offseason.
  21. With all due respect, I believe you’re missing the point.
  22. Interesting response….How is my comment related to race?
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